Sunday, July 8, 2012

temper tantrums

I try to stear clear of any negative writing on my blog.  Aren't we bombarded with enough everyday anyway!  But, This is my way of keeping up with what is going on with my little girl right now.  And, what is going on with her are temper tantrums.  She has definitely mastered the art.  Hopefully this phase will pass soon.  She was once a lot of fun to take shopping.  And she still can be, but definitely not to the grocery store.  There is just too much there that she wants.  We have to get in and out, or mommy just has to find time to go alone.  She usually just doesn't want to leave the store so she will throw herself on the ground and refuses to walk.  The funny thing about her tantrums, we were shopping Friday, and it was the first time she just had an all out fit at the grocery store.  She will scream as high pitched as she can, scream no and slap at me.  I always thought that this would really embarrass me, but for some reason it didn't.  I don't know if it was because it was mainly older women at the store, or if my pregnancy hormones just made me annoyed.  But, we had luckily already picked up everything we needed, so we just headed for the check out line.  I know I looked a hot mess trying to get out of there.  I had taken her out of the cart because little houdini could just climb out of the strap that goes across her.  So, we had finally checked out had groceries loaded, and now she doesn't want to leave.  So, I'm trying to push the cart trying to get her to "help" me (don't know why I thought that would work), and she is throwing herself on the ground so she can stay.  I finally just snatch her up and carry her out.  Needless to say, we made it to the car without mommy completely losing it, but looking very forward to nap time and to daddy coming home!

Mommy did get a little break yesterday though, thank you daddy!  I tagged along with one of friends to go shopping in Cleveland.  I didn't purchase much, and nothing that I was actually looking for, but it was fun to have some friend time! 

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