Monday, February 2, 2015

sweet sisters/and scary noses

Tonight, we were sitting at dinner, and Anna Claire is running around like a crazy person.  She had stopped this habit, but tonight she must have had a lot of energy, and I was choosing my battles!  She typically must eat in my lap with me feeding her.  I am determined to break this habit, so I let her run crazy.  But, the sweetest thing is, as she ran past Amelia, Amelia would grab Anna Claire, give her a big hug and say I love you.  I said to her, well that is sweet, and she said I do love my sister.  It makes me so happy that they love each other so much.  I hope they always stay close!  

We ended our evening with our usual screaming about going to bed.  Both girls have decided they are afraid of the dark.  I try to give them happy thoughts, but Amelia is determined to be afraid of the dark.  As, I was downstairs working on emails, Amelia is upstairs in an all out panic.  I go upstairs to make it stop, she says there are noses coming out of her closet and bathroom to smell her!  I just told her she just smells so good.  But, where does she come up with this stuff!  It was pretty original though.  I read something recently with tips on how to get your kids to go to bed on their own without screaming.  I'm going to try tomorrow night.  We will see how it goes.  It is the worst part of my day. If I could turn it around, that would be fantastic!