Friday, August 31, 2012

Go Vols!

We bought Amelia a new papasan chair for her room so that we could move the rocker into Anna Claire's room.  She loves her papasan chair.  When I go to her room to get her in both the morning and the afternoon, she will be sitting in her chair looking in her books.  It is so cute.  I have been meaning to get a picture of it all week, but once I finally remembered to bring a camera, she would still be in her bed.  Well, I finally got the shot today. 
She does not like to share her chair either.  We have been reading the mine o saur book a lot, and I am really trying to get across to her that the mine o saur did not have friends until he shared.  She loves that mine o saur though.
After her nap today, I got her dressed for the big game tonight.

She can't wait to shake her pom pom!

We watched the opening football game tonight with one of our local friends.  Amelia loves sports, and she loved watching football.  She really loved when we got a touchdown.

I was a little worried at first, but it turned out to be a really good game for us!  Hope it continues throughout the season.  I really like coach Dooley, and would love for him to stick around!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

hurricanes and theories

So, hurricane Isaac has been a hot topic here this week.  I don't know if I am crazy or just what, but I haven't seen the big deal.  There was a sell out of milk, bread and gas.  I'm like it's just a storm by the time we get it.  Drew says, you've never been through a hurricane before Stacy, but neither has he.  And, we still haven't it is a storm by the time it reached us.  But, anyway, the one thing that the storm has caused apparently, that I didn't think about, is a ton of people to go into labor.  I went to see my doctor yesterday, and was informed that the hospital is full!  Women's water is breaking all over town.  They were surprised that I was fine.  Well, apparently I have a really strong uterus.  Hurricane pressure is no match for it.  My sinuses on the other hand.  They have been miserable.  But, I am glad to not be in labor yet, and praying this hurricane will just go on and not cause me to go into labor.  I don't want to be having my baby in some random room in the hospital because all of the labor rooms are full.  My doctor did tell me that he will induce at any point now whenever I decide I'm ready.  So, I am going to work my tail off these next few days to get "caught up" at work, and hopefully get her here next Thursday.  The problem with having a post labor day baby, and a doctor that loves college football is that I know he will be out of town for the games on the weekend.  I can't handle the other doctors around here delivering my baby.  So, I'm going to save myself the stress.  A friend told me the other day that the fastest way to have things go not as expected is to have a plan.  I hope that isn't the case for me.  But, it isn't going to stop this control freak from having one.  I have been doing a lot of praying these last few days for God to get me at least past Sunday.  After that, anytime will be fine!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Go Vols!

Well, this is a big week if you live in the south!  Opening football season!  The first weekend is so exciting cause you get a glimpse of what the season will be like.  We are hoping for a good season, of course.  Who isn't?!  Mommy worked really hard and got Amelia's gameday outfit made.  And, daddy brought the football out to play with Amelia.  Well, he taught her to do a touchdown dance.  It was very cute! 

Sorry, but the video is sideways again.  Thought I had learned.  Maybe I will get it right next time!  This was taken with my cellphone.

Something else that my mischievious little girl now does that I forgot to mention yesterday is when she is acting up and we get on to her, she will look at us, put her hand out and say tickle tickle, in her 1 year old way.  She is already trying to work us.  It is pretty cute though.  It doesn't work to keep her from getting in trouble though either.  Can't blame a girl for trying!

Saturday, August 25, 2012


For several months, I have been reading other friend's with children around Amelia's age writing about how their children climb on everything.  I have been so thankful because besides climbing up on the couch, Amelia has really not been a climber.  Well, apparently she was just behind.  She is now climbing on everything.  Nothing is safe anymore.  It's getting harder and harder to keep things out of her reach. 

But, her newest act of mischieviousness was one I was truly not expecting.  Yesterday, we had tuna fish for lunch.  She is a pretty messy eater, so I just stripped her down to her diaper for her nap.  Didn't want nasty tuna in her bed.   She took a really long nap for me that afternoon.  It was great.  I got so much done!  But, when I went to go get her, she is completely naked!  I'm like where is your diaper!  She had taken it off, who knows when.  There was pee everywhere!  Thank goodness that was it.  But, mommy and daddy were going to dinner that night with friends to celebrate a birthday, and there was not enough time to wash and get everything back on the bed before we needed to leave.  Luckily, I had washed stuff for Anna Claire's crib that day, so I just put that on there.

That night, she had 2 girls come to babysit her so we could go to dinner with friends.  It was so nice to have a date night.  We enjoyed the conversation, and not feeling rushed to eat and take care of a toddler!  We ended the dinner with some yummy cupcakes that Mrs. Denecia made for Hunter's bday.  She sent one home for Amelia.  Well Amelia got to eat it after dinner tonight.  She was pretty excited over it.

 Enjoying her cupcake.  She doesn't get a lot of desserts at our house.
She didn't like daddy trying to steal a bite.  She said, no, mine!
Today, we did a lot of driving around Mississippi.  I had ordered some appliqued shirts for Amelia and Anna Claire, so we went to Cleveland to pick them up.  We then had to go to Grenada to pick up something for Drew.  We stopped in Grenada for lunch.  They have a McAlister's.  We love McAlister's and apparently so does Amelia.

I was so proud of her.  She ate all of her food with her fork, didn't make a mess, and didn't use her hand one time.  She even had someone compliment her for how well she did.  Didn't happen that way at home tonight.  But, she is getting better!  She was a perfect angel all day today, even with being couped up in the car for 3 hours today.  My baby girl is growing up so fast!  She even went upstairs to play by herself.  It made me realize that in a few years, she and Anna Claire will be playing by themselves together, and made me slightly sad.  But, I do love how independent she is too.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Proud momma!

Amelia has made it a whole week without biting, hitting, kicking or pushing at daycare.  As far as I know at least.  I really thought that my sweet girl was the bully in class.  Well, last Friday we had to go by the daycare to pick up a cup that I had left and oh my goodness!  It was pure chaos in there!  I said no wonder you are a monster!  You are surrounded by monsters!  I couldn't even stand to be there for longer than 5 minutes.  I was already feeling stressed.  So, this morning I drop her off for daycare, and this little boy walks up to her and smacks her in the head with a toy.  Of course, I wanted to jump in there and react, but I didn't.  I let the teacher handle it.  But, I was so proud of my sweet girl.  She didn't even react.  I really was expecting to see her hit him back, but she didn't.  I really think she is just reacting to the crazy environment that she is in.  Or at least I hope!

This evening, it was so nice outside, that we went out and played.  It was wonderful.  The temperature was perfect.  She just ran around while I sat and relaxed.  It truly felt like heaven!  Except for the mosquitos.  I can't wait to live somewhere without mosquitos! 

We ended the night with bathtime.  We were singing songs.  Her favorite is Elmo's song.  So we sang Amelia's song and then Anna Claire's song then mommy's song.  She then asked to sing Amelia's song again.  Then sweet girl asked to sing Anna Claire's song.  So, sweet!  I really think she is going to love her little sister!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sweet, Sweet Cece's

Today, I had my weekly appointment with Dr. Beckham.  Everything went great, no change at all from last week.  Yay!  We are hoping this baby will hold out for a little while longer.  I picked Amelia up from daycare before naptime with hopes she would get a long nap at home.  Unfortunately, she was still on daycare time and woke up at 1:30.  I normally get her to sleep until 3:30.  So, I decided, since she was up early, we would take advantage of the extra time this afternoon.  So, we went and celebrated mommies lack of weight gain this week by taking a trip to Sweet CeCes.  I even let Amelia get her own cup.  I love the 3rd trimester and the extra calories it allows you! 

She even fed herself until it started getting all melted and making a mess.  She loved it.  She kept saying over and over, this is good.
I love that she is at the age where we can go have fun together doing these sort of things.  Can't wait till we can have a conversation at the same time. 

Adventures in pregnancy land

I had intentions of writing this last night, but became occupied with other things.  I have been very fortunate this pregnancy to have had only 1 calf cramp until Tuesday morning.  Poor Drew, he hasn't been sleeping good lately, I don't know how high my sympathy truly is because it's been months for me, but I do feel bad for him.  So, this week he has been sleeping on the couch which has helped.  Well, yesterday morning he came to bed around 4 and it was nice and peaceful until I decided to get at 5:30 to get ready for work.  It was instant pain.  The right calf just went into instant spasm and all I could do was scream.  Scared him to death, but he has learned from last pregnancy that that is a cramp and not a we are having a baby scream.  I didn't really scream when I was in labor with Amelia.  But, anyway, when I decided to try to stand up to work it out, the left leg went into instant cramp.  So, I am laying there with both legs in the air screaming.  Worst pain I have ever experienced.  I mean with labor I at least had an epidural.  I fell backwards on Drew.  I somehow manage to always ruin his attempts at getting good sleep!  Now we are to Wednesday morning, and it still feels like I ran a half marathon.

P.S. I am not low on electrolytes, took my multivitamin that night, walked around the neighborhood, and drink plenty of water, so it is just a pregnancy thing that sometimes you have to endure!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Tough choices

We don't really have a tough choice make, but tonight we were talking about how we only have 18 more days until the official due date.  She can truly come any day now.  I was starting to wonder if tonight was going to be the night when we went for a walk.  I would get over 1 braxton hicks just to start another.  Doesn't really feel so good!  But, anyway, Drew is worried that he will be out of town when I go into labor.  He really isn't going to be gone much the next 2 weeks, but that would be our luck.  So, tonight he says to me, I'm not really worried about missing the birth, but do you want to know what I am worried about.  Of course I wanted to know.  Well, he says, I am worried something will go wrong and someone will have to make the decision to save you or the baby!  Not a worry of mine, I have full faith in my doctor.  But, really!!!  The truth is I don't know who he would save.  I really think it would be the baby.  This made me think, what is the right thing.  I don't know.  Would I give my life for my child, of course.  Truthfully, I don't think it will be a decision we will have to make.  But, I don't know what I would want to happen if that was an issue.  But, I have told him that if anything happens to me, he is to spoil my girls!  To my friends that read this, you each have a responsibility to make sure that happens!

Luckily, my night ended by putting my sweet baby girl to bed.  She was so sweet.  She was in her bath and looks at me and says I need a hug.  I got 3 really wet hugs.  What can I say, my little girl really loves to hug!  We then read philly joe giraffe plays the drums, said our prayers and she went night, night.  Loving every minute I get with my sweet girl before baby sister comes. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Playing mommy

It hasn't been a very exciting weekend, but it has definately been relaxing.  We went out to dinner at Vince's Friday night.  It's a restaurant in Leland that is pretty good and actually has a good atmosphere.  You don't get that much around here.  Saturday, we went for a walk.  It has been a while since I felt like walking, but it felt good, plus it wasn't too hot out so it was nice.  It stormed all afternoon, so we were really lazy.  That evening, daddy went to Wendy's to get us a frosty, I have been craving one for months, and finally broke down.  It was so good.  But, while he was gone, Amelia was playing with her baby.  It was so sweet to watch her.  I had picked up the baby and was pretending to feed it and sing to it, of course she couldn't have that because as she says it was "mine, mine, mine."  But, she started feeding the baby, and singing the same song to her and rocking her.   She then lays her down to sleep, right on her belly, and covers her completely with the blanket.  I'm like baby she's going to sufficate.  It is so cute to watch her play momma though.  I tried to video tape her, but she wouldn't cooperate.  I hope she is as good of a big sister as she a "mommy."  Minus the suffication of course!

This is a really old picture of her feeding her baby.  It's been a while since the baby has been fed.  Mostly stays in her bed now, but she has recently rediscovered it.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Flashback Friday

For this flashback Friday, I am going to go back to a trip that we took at the end of the summer last year.  Drew had to travel to Knoxville for work, so Amelia and I tagged along so we could spend some  time with friends.  We first stopped to visit with some friends who live in McMinnville, TN.  They have a really nice lake house and pontoon boat, so we spent a little time relaxing with the kids at the lake.  It was a lot of fun.

We were trying to get her to take a nap on the pontoon boat.  She looks so young here!

She loved riding in the boat!

She is definitely a water baby.

Hanging out with friends!

We spent a few nights with them then headed to Knoxville.  We had planned on going to Neyland stadium for photos when we got in town, but it was rainy, so we had to put it off for a day.  We met our friends for dinner, so instead before dinner we went down to Volunteer landing to feed the ducks.

She loved to see the ducks, and they loved getting fed. 

We walked down the riverwalk a little way and got some good pictures.

We then met our friends at Parkside Grill, it was so yummy!  I find myself missing Knoxville a lot.  We miss our friends and all the city had to offer.  It is such a family friendly town!

The next day, we finally made it to Neyland stadium for some photos. 
She loved being on the field!
Little girl doesn't even know how lucky she is to be there.  Not too many people get to get on the field at Neyland stadium!

I had planned to take her to Lakeshore for a walk around the park afterward.  It was one of my favorite places to go when I lived in Knoxville.  Unfortunately, mommy wasn't feeling too good that day, so we spent the day in the hotel.  It seems that mommy doesn't have very good luck going with daddy on work trips.  Thank God though that it only hit me and daddy.  We had said a lot of prayers for baby girl, and she made it through it.  She was a perfect angel too.  The next day when I was better, we went to Target and got her a few treats for being such a good girl. 

It was a good trip.  We didn't get to do everything that we wanted, but we did get to do a lot of what we wanted.  I can't wait until our next trip.  I think both girls will love it.  I hope someday we will have a yearly fall trip there and to Gatlinburg.  I would love to take my girls to see the Vols play and spend some time relaxing in the mountains.  And of course a day at Dollywood. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Typically Wednesdays I get to spend with my sweet baby girl.   But, now that I am going to see my doctor weekly, I have to take her to daycare, so I just take advantage and get things done child free.  Everything went well at my appointment.  Anna Claire gave the doctor a few good kicks.  She's been fairly active today.  After my appointment, I met my friend and her 2 boys to head up to Cleveland to do some shopping.  There is a monogram store there and I wanted to get some things appliqued for baby girl.  I had felt so bad about leaving Amelia at daycare, but once I realized how much of an ordeal it was to pick out appliques, fonts, fabric, etc, I was so glad to that she was at daycare.  It would have been impossible!  But, I got her and Anna Claire some really cute stuff!  By the time I got Amelia, she was an all out monster.  She was so sweet this morning, giving me all kinds of hugs and love, but by the end of the day she was worn out and it showed. 

Sunday, I finally got a video of Amelia saying her ABCs.  She just started singing them, and it was so funny.  She would start out sounding all sweet and then all of the sudden she would transform into some crazy rock type singing voice, what I typically call angry music.  I think she knew she was being recorded so she wouldn't do it in her crazy voice, which is really what I was trying to capture.  So, I've been trying since yesterday to upload the video, and it just won't happen.  I will keep trying, but I can't promise anything.


Monday, August 13, 2012

Helping daddy can be dangerous!

 We had a lot of fun this weekend.  And, our baby girl is providing more and more amusement each day.  This weekend she started a few new skills.  She now snorts when she laughs.  This cracks her up even more, so she just keeps laughing and snorting.  It is really quite hilarious!  The other thing she started is saying yeehaw or hee haw, not sure which one, but she was walking around all day yesterday saying one of those words. 

Tonight, we went outside to play a little bit.  Well, Amelia has watched mommy push the irrigator heads back in the ground, and tonight they were sticking up so she wanted to push them in herself.  She went to the first, pushed it with her foot, and we applauded her like she had really done something special.  So, she went to other one that tends to stick up, and without much effort pushes it in.  So, cute to watch this little girl grow up!  But, then she sits down and starts crying and rubbing her foot.  What I was afraid had happened actually did happen.  There was a little mound of fire ants and she stepped right in them.  Luckily it wasn't nearly as bad as we know it could have been.  But, they did get her foot a few good times.  It broke my heart for her.  One got me too so I know how bad it hurt.  She is such a big girl though.  Cried just for a few seconds and then she was over it.  Me on the other hand was looking up fire ant bites and treatment terrified she would have some type of allergic reaction.  Needless to say, she is fine.  Luckily daddy is the chemical specialist so those ants will not be getting my little girl again!

Lastly, we had a little visitor on Saturday.  We were heading outside, standing at the door, when I felt something fall down my arm.  I looked down, and there is a little baby lizard on the floor.  I start yelling for Drew, and that thing crawled under the couch before he could hardly have time to reach for it.  I've been thinking about that lizard ever since.  Well, tonight, we are headed upstairs for bath time and bedtime and when we reach the top of the stairs that lizard takes off running.  I don't know why they like Amelia's room.  We found one wrapped in a blanket in her room last year.  Luckily, daddy is home and he caught the lizard.  He returned it to its home outside.  Poor thing lost its tail in the process, but at least he is still alive! 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Playing with the animals

Yesterday, Amelia slept till 8!  This is big for me, she is usually up by 7.  But, unlike Friday, she woke up crying this morning.  So, when I get up there, she still looked like she was asleep just very groggy.  But, we rocked for a minute, she started to come around, and I asked her what do you want to do today.  She said, I want to see the animals.  I don't know where that came from, but, we had no plans so I said, ok, we will talk to daddy.  He was out at the lake but coming home soon, so we went downstairs and enjoyed some sausage balls and donut holes.  She couldn't remember that she wanted to see the animals when daddy got home, but mommy told him and he was all for it. 

Luckily, a cold front had come through, and it was really nice yesterday.  We went back to the wild life safari.  This time, we went on the trailer tour.  I think Amelia enjoyed it more on the trailer.  There were a lot of other kids on the tour, and the animals were running up to us for food.

I really think she loved the goats in the petting zoo the most!  She just kept talking about them.

Getting ready to leave on the tour to see the animals.

We saw deer first.  She was so excited.  The zebras came up next.

The bison was very friendly and followed us everywhere.  It takes a lot of food to fill up his belly!

Our last stop was the llamas.  Amelia loved giving them the rest of her food, but after that she was done!  She was ready for food herself, and a nap.

We got back to the welcome center to see the inside animals, and they had a baby kangaroo.  You could go right up to it and pet it.  Amelia especially loved that it wore a diaper just like her.

We then headed back home, rested, and then went outside to play.  Our sweet neighbors came over and visited with us for a little while, and then we headed to the lake to throw Cody his dummy.

Cody jumping into the lake.

The water is so low right now, that there is sand everywhere.  Amelia loved playing in it.  I can't wait to take her to a beach.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday playday

The last several weeks, whenever Amelia would wake up, she would jump out of her bed, run to the door, and start crying.  Today, I could hear her moving around, but she wasn't crying, so I kept drinking my coffee for a bit longer.  When I went up there to get her, she was sitting in her rocking chair just looking around.  I don't know why but it was funny to me.  We have a routine of me walking in the room, I go to the rocker and she comes and gets in my lap and we hug and rock for a few minutes.  She jumped up for me to get in as soon as I opened the door.  Love my sweet girl, and I love her big hugs!

I had plans on us going to check out the new TJ max in town today.  It was really nice outside, so I thought maybe we should go outside and play first. 

Give little girl some dirt and a stick, and she will be happy for a while.

But, throwing dirt is even better!

She found a nice rock in the flower bed.

She took that rock round and round the bushes for about 10-15 minutes.
She was exploring for other fun things.

I thought she looked sweet in this picture.  I wanted to get a cute one of her with the greenery behind her, but little girl is just not in to posing for the camera.  So, we have a bunch of candid shots!  I put this shirt on her this morning and she started twirling saying I'm pretty.  Little girl loves to be pretty! 

We stayed outside for a while.  I kept asking her if she wanted to go to the store, and she would say no.  So, we didn't make it to TJ Maxx today.  Oh well!  There will be other days.  But, we did stay until 2 police cars came flying down our road.  In this town, you just never know, so I decided we just needed to go on inside. 

We played for a little while, and looked at her books.  She loves telling me what everything is, and she knows her animals really well.  I think because they are fun and make noises.  She just doesn't understand numbers, colors, and letters.  She can say her abc's, only as the song, and count to 10, but she just doesn't understand what they mean.  Am I stressing over this, of course not, she is 1.  I think we have plenty of time for all of that, but we are working on it.  But, as we were looking through her book she saw an alligator.  I'm not sure where she learned to do the gator chomp from, I probably did do it at some point a while back.  But, she loves to do the gator chomp.  Daddy can't stand it!  He says no gator chomp allowed in this house.  When she saw the gator, over and over she said, alligator, chomp chomp, so I had to get a video of it.  The video did require some prompting, but doesn't normally.
I had to throw in the Go Vols to reinforce who are true allegiance goes to.

Lastly, as I said last night, we have been having problems again with biting.  So, I have been stressing to her only food goes in your mouth.  I would ask her, what did mommy say, and of course she would just ignore me, so I was frustrated with her.  Well, today when we were playing outside, we were sitting in my swing and she loves to play with the chains on it.  They are a little rusted, so of course I don't want her putting them in her mouth.  So, I said Amelia, do not put that in your mouth.  And she said to me, only food goes in mouth.  I was shocked.  I was like that is right only food goes in your mouth.  She was actually listening to me, just being stubborn.  Made me feel a little good.  I don't know if it will stop the biting.  Probably not because she seems pretty proud that she bites, but maybe it will help.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Procrastination and getting left behind!

Today, as I finished up my to do list for Anna Claire, which consisted of boiling all of her bottles and pacifers, I started thinking.  Why have I been so putting this off?  It really wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  Now I'm finished, and I really don't have anything left to do but wait for baby girl to get here.  I think I would save myself a lot of stress if I would just do things instead of putting them off.

If you could see these in person, it would be a lot funnier.  But, we used these playtex bottles for daycare cause they work better than the Dr. Browns for heating the way the daycare heats their bottles.  So, as I am boiling bottles, I throw these in the water, clearly not paying attention to the fine print that says, do not boil.  When I went to take them out of the water, I realized something didn't look right.  They are now a 1/3 of the size they are suppose to be.  I guess if baby girl doesn't do well with the Avent, then we will be buying more bottles.  Drew and I at least got a good laugh out of it!

Amelia is 20 months old now, and she is definitely every bit of a toddler.  I am having a hard time keeping up with her.  It doesn't really make me sad that she is growing up, especially since we will be having another baby in just a few weeks.  But, for some reason, I am having a hard time with letting her do things on her own.  It is really hard to not think of her as a baby anymore and start giving her her independence.  It just amazes me to just sit back and watch her.  She is quickly becoming a little girl.  Her speech is improving and vocabulary.  She no longer just repeats what I say.  I can't wait till we can have a conversation. 

We did have to get on to her today.  Daddy brought her home from daycare to find a note saying she bit another child out of anger.  We had made it a whole week without biting.  It's a little too late to really discipline cause who knows when it actually happened, but we did have a long talk with her.  About 6 months ago, when Drew would get on to Amelia for something, and I mean just saying in a calm voice that he heard what she did and wasn't happy, she would break down crying.  Now, she's just like ok, let's move on to something else.  She is a mess!  We have decided no pacifer during the day, only nap and bedtime, and we are going to have to start getting on to her for putting things in her mouth.  Hopefully the biting is something that will be behind us for good soon, at least with Amelia.  I hate being the parent with the child that bites! 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

nursery almost completed!

We are sitting here watching the olympics, and as amazing as these athletes are, I would never want to see myself running in slow motion!  Not pretty! 

Ok, just had to say that, now moving on.  Today, I had another appointment with Dr. Beckham.  Everything went good.  I didn't get in trouble for my weight gain this time, but my stomach did grow quite a bit.  He said, I guess I don't need to tell you that though.  I said no, I hear that everywhere I go, how big my stomach is.  He then said well you really aren't big, you're right where you need to be.  Wish I could have recorded that!  I am now down to going weekly, so I would love to be able to remind him of those words next week! 

Since I had to go to the doctor, and Drew is busy working, I took Amelia to daycare this morning.  This meant that I had a little extra time to get some things done.  I went by the local clothing score, they carry Toms, I have yet to buy a pair, but they have been such a hot topic lately that I decided to go get some.  Unfortunately, they didn't have my size.  But, they did have some for baby girl.  They are so stinking cute on her.  I also made it to lowes and Kroger solo.  It was so nice shopping alone.  I did pick her up before nap time though, she just sleeps better at home, which is better for everyone!  During nap time, I recovered the lamp shade that I bought today for Anna Claire's room.  I finally have her room mostly together.  It could use a little more decor, but that will come. 

This afternoon, we decided to do a little painting, until mommy realized that washable didn't meant that it would wash out but that the color would stay once washed.  We then decided to go back to our color wonder colors.  Then when outside and played until we couldn't stand the heat any longer, which was only about 20 minutes.

Amelia is just about as cute as she can be, but she has been testing my patience lately.  We are really going to have to start working on her actually doing as I say the first time.  It's as if I didn't even speak.  Unfortunately, this mommy is running low on patience.  I have been counting to ten in my head a lot lately, but that is working less and less. 

Here are some photos of the nursery.  It is still a work in progress, but probably will be past Anna Claire's arrival.  She has all she needs to be well taken care of at this point!

I should have gotten a better picture of the lamp, it is really cute.  I need something over the bed, but not sure yet.  When I find it then something will be there.

This lamp needs a shade.  I still have to figure out what I am going to do to it.

I love her crib, and the pictures on the wall.  I did purchase them before painting the room.  Never would I have thought they would blend into the wall so much.  I have considered painting that part of the wall a different color as a contrast, but hopefully we won't be in this house much longer, so that takes away my motivation.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday funday!

This morning at church, we had church eat church, so we didn't have services tonight.  We came home from church and all passed out for naps.  When Amelia woke up, we had a little bit of craft time, then went outside to play.  It is less hot than normal, and she really wanted to blow bubbles, so we took advantage.  Daddy had to cut the grass so we supervised.  I am teaching her young that management is better!

We had to get a picture of daddy looking cool with his sweatband!

Enjoying the swing.  She wasn't too happy to get off so daddy could cut the grass!

She got to ride the tractor with daddy after he finished cutting the grass.  She didn't know what to think at first, but it didn't take her long to grab on to the wheel to try to stear.

As I originally told you, we went outside to blow bubbles.  Well, today for the first time, she blew her first bubble for herself.  She has never been able to blow hard enough.  She was so excited!  I got it on video, sorry it will be a little loud, but daddy had already started cutting the grass when I thought to go grab the camera.

Now they are down at the lake throwing the dummy that Cody retrieves.  Mommy wishes she could be there, but I am here enjoying some really fun braxton hicks.  It is going to be a long 5 weeks!  

Daddy and Amelia just got home, and daddy thought it would be fun to let her have a duck call to play with, so it is now very noisy at the Ellis household!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

On the road again!

This weekend, we took our last road trip before Anna Claire makes her arrival.  Drew had to go back to his parent's house to register his duck blind.  I really didn't want to spend the weekend at home alone.  It was a tough decision though.  Drew's truck doesn't have a full quad cab, so to get enough room for Amelia's carseat, I have to have my knees in the dashboard.  This is not very comfortable for 35 week pregnant mommy.  It was pretty miserable 2 weeks ago, so I really didn't think I could do it.  But, yesterday, daddy had mommy drive so that he could do some work.  I hate driving a big truck, but it was so worth the extra leg room!

Amelia and I went to my parent's house, which is on the way to his parent's house.  It's been a while since we have stayed there, so it was nice to spend some time with them.  We got there just in time for dinner, and left today after lunch.  So it was a quick trip, but we had a lot of fun.  My parent's have a little beagle named Jack.  Amelia loved him, and he couldn't hardly stay away from her.  She had a lot of fun playing with her grandparents, throwing the ball, and riding the four-wheeler.  Their neighbors have horses.  I wanted to take her to see them so bad, but they were never out when we went.  Mom took her to see them though.

Riding the four-wheeler with grandmomma.

We had just walked over to see the horses, but they were still in the stable.

She would throw the ball for Jack, and he would get it, but not bring it back.  Then, she wouldn't want to throw it for him.  They were both pretty partial to the ball.

We made it home and all crashed on the couch.  I wasn't too happy when she didn't take a nap on the way home, but when we all got to relax once making it home, I was pretty happy.  We ended our Saturday at the local Mexican restaurant and going to the carwash.  Amelia didn't know what to think about that.  It really kind of freaked her out, but she thought it was fun too.  Unless something crazy happens in the next 5 weeks, our next trip we will be a family of 4!  It should be interesting!  I hope Anna Claire has a lot of patience!

When we were heading home, we had to stop by the grocery for potluck stuff.  Amelia and I stayed in the truck.  This truck drove in front of us with a little pomeranian in it.  She started screaming puppy!  She now wants a puppy.  I said sorry baby, you're not getting a puppy.  I'm really not a fan of pets in the house.  She kept saying I want puppy.  I said you are getting a baby sister.  That is better than a puppy.  She said no puppy better.  It's going to be interesting in the next few months!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

One step closer!

We are one step closer to having everything ready for Anna Claire's arrival!  We finished the night stand, and I finished the curtains yesterday.  Daddy hung them for me tonight.  I got all of her "things" washed yesterday, such as swing, carrier and bouncy seat.  I will be 35 weeks tomorrow.  I feel like now I just need to get bottles all ready, but other than that it is just maintaining a clean house.  I can finally rest when everyone else does!!!! For a little longer at least.  Here's to hoping that baby girl gets her sleep habits from her sister!

The curtains raised.  Love them!

The curtains down.  It's funny because when I first saw that pompom fabric, I put it down immediately and said it looked ridiculous.  It turned out to be the one everyone liked the most, and eventually become my favorite.  So glad I went with it!

This was my night stand as a little girl.  It is oak.  We were just going to keep it in the attic until I realized I was going to need a nightstand next to the bed in the room.  I was going to buy a new one.  Then realized that was stupid when I have a perfectly good one in the attic.  But, all of Anna Claire's furniture is cherry.  So, I refinished it.  I am happy with how it turned out.  We changed the hardware to update a little.  Daddy drilled it on for me. 

I still have clothes all over the bed to put away, so when I get all of that taken care of I will take pics of the room, and post them.  I didn't want y'all to see my mess!