Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sweets and treats!

I decided that today, I was going to feed that need I've been having for some yummy pastry.  So, we got up, had breakfast, then got dressed to head to the farmers market.  It was my first trip.  I have to say that the Greenville farmers market is really not very impressive, or maybe we picked the wrong Saturday to go.  But, all I wanted was peaches, and they had plenty of those!!  Yay!  So we picked up 2 bundles then headed to do some more shopping. 
Daddy was in charge of getting her out of the car so she looked like quite a diva walking around the farmers market!
We headed to some local stores to try to find a lamp for Anna Claire's room.  We had considered maybe going to Jackson today to go to the children's museum, but I am in full out stress mode.  I feel like I have to get everything done right now.  So, we will have to wait on the children's museum for a few more weeks.  Once Amelia went down for her nap, I got busy.  I'm not quite finished with the curtains, but for 5 roman shades, I am pretty close, and that makes me happy.  I worked some more on the night stand that I am refinishing.  It would be finished, but unfortunately, it sat outside for 5 days in 100% humidity, so I have to redo the top because the wood seperated a little bit.  I was not too happy to say the least.  Lastly I did a lot of cooking today.  I made our second freezer meal, red beans and rice.  It is so yummy.  So, now 2 meals down many more to go.  I plan to do about 2 per week. 

When Amelia woke up, we filled up the pool, and went to soak up some rays.  It was nice to get outside, and not be on fire!  Amelia had a blast.  I am sure that if any of our neighbors saw us, they probably got a good laugh.  The whole family was in that kiddy pool. 

Then, I went in to get started on my peach cobbler.  I am not a talented baker by any means.  I found a recipe on pinterest, which apparently is the same as the pioneer womans.  I am going to have to keep practicing to learn how to move the crust without it cracking.   The pie filling recipe came from Southern living.  Let me tell you, it was probably the yummiest peach cobbler ever!  I shared mine with Amelia, and as hyper as she is now, she usually doesn't sit still for longer than 5 seconds, but she would not get out of my lap.  I think that is saying something.  She wanted another bite as soon as I put one in her mouth. 

This is the finished product, not beautiful, but my mouth didn't mind.
This is my serving.  It really didn't photograph well, but it was delicious!  I think it may have actually been worth the mess that I made in the kitchen!

It was a nice way to end the day!

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