Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Today was an event I have been looking forward to since I first knew I was pregnant with my first daughter. A friend/aquaintance of mine had started the event about 5 years ago to support Le Bonheur. I could not wait until I would be able to bring my little girl to the generositea tea party. Little did I know at the time how big of an impact Le Bonheur would have in my life. So now the event feels even more special to me. Amelia is finally old enough to attend. I look forward to taking both my girls in the future once Anna Claire is old enough too. But I did enjoy having some time just me and Amelia. That rarely happens now!  Anna Claire got to enjoy some one on one time with daddy. 

The tea party was very cute. There were a lot of people! Amelia thought the party was just for her. Isn't she cute!  They had a photo booth where we could dress up and get our picture taken, a hair and nail station, cookie decorating, and a fashion show. We ate some yummy food and I bid a painting that I just love. Unfortunately I wasn't the top bidder. I'll just have to find out where the artist sells her artwork. I had a lot of fun hanging with my #1!

She was a fan of the chocolate pudding!
She had a lot of fun decorating this cookie. Too bad mommy is a germaphobe and got rid of it when she wasn't looking. But don't feel too sorry for her, she had pudding and cookies for lunch. She was not deprived of chocolate!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Brush teeth

Anna Claire is obsessed with brushing her teeth. It is the highlight of her day and usually leads to such a meltdown that there are some days we just pretend to forget to brush teeth, and give an advanced warning to anyone caring for her that may brush her teeth. I've wanted to strangle drew (not really) for asking Amelia to brush her teeth in front of Anna Claire while I am getting her dressed. She hears the words and screams brush teeth and takes off running for the sink. We are no longer allowed to even say the words around her! I wonder if this is a sign that some day she may be a dentist.  

Leaps and bounds!

So, I haven't posted in awhile about Anna Claire's liver status. Well, we had a follow up with her doctor on January 23. I know, I'm so far behind! He decided that if her labs were better then we would stop the antibiotics. If they were the same, then we would way our options. Our appointment was late so we had to wait till the next morning to get her lab drawn. 
This was on the way to get her labs. It broke my heart she was so cute and happy just kicking holding on to Minnie Mouse. She had no idea what was coming her way. Since it was Friday, we would have to wait till Monday to get her results. Monday we were leaving for Las Vegas for a few days just me and drew. We finally heard from the nurse and her labs were the same except one level is much better, still not normal though. The doctor decided he wanted to try stopping the cipro. I was so nervous but I told them we weren't doing it till we got back in town. Drews parents were keeping the girls for us and I sure wasn't going to have them deal with anything that could go wrong. So as of Thursday January 30th she has been off her cipro and I am so happy to say that she is doing great! We've had a few pale poops but for the most part they are normal. I say a little prayer of thanks everytime she has a good poop. Never in a million years would I have thought that poop would have such an impact on my life. So anyway, I just wanted to update everyone on how she is doing and if you think about it if you could keep praying for my sweet girl. 
A not so great picture of us in Vegas. It was a great trip just a little too fast!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Happy Valentines Day!

I never took a picture of the girls in their Christmas dresses, so I figure since Valentine's is all about pink and red, then I could make up for it then.  We do good just getting to church somewhat on time, and a photo session us usually not in the plans.
So, happy Valentine/christmas Day from my girls.  Maybe I'll have better time management for Christmas next year!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Snow day

We finally got snow!! It wasn't much but it was enough to make me happy. I guess the advantage to having children that refuse to sleep past 9 is that we were able to get out and play before it all melted!  
Drew took the lid off the trash can and pulled them around. 

Drew decided to put #1 to work. She did a great job of pulling #2 around!  Lucy had a lot of fun running around too. 

Unfortunately the snow was gone by 11 but it was fun while it was around.