Thursday, August 2, 2012

One step closer!

We are one step closer to having everything ready for Anna Claire's arrival!  We finished the night stand, and I finished the curtains yesterday.  Daddy hung them for me tonight.  I got all of her "things" washed yesterday, such as swing, carrier and bouncy seat.  I will be 35 weeks tomorrow.  I feel like now I just need to get bottles all ready, but other than that it is just maintaining a clean house.  I can finally rest when everyone else does!!!! For a little longer at least.  Here's to hoping that baby girl gets her sleep habits from her sister!

The curtains raised.  Love them!

The curtains down.  It's funny because when I first saw that pompom fabric, I put it down immediately and said it looked ridiculous.  It turned out to be the one everyone liked the most, and eventually become my favorite.  So glad I went with it!

This was my night stand as a little girl.  It is oak.  We were just going to keep it in the attic until I realized I was going to need a nightstand next to the bed in the room.  I was going to buy a new one.  Then realized that was stupid when I have a perfectly good one in the attic.  But, all of Anna Claire's furniture is cherry.  So, I refinished it.  I am happy with how it turned out.  We changed the hardware to update a little.  Daddy drilled it on for me. 

I still have clothes all over the bed to put away, so when I get all of that taken care of I will take pics of the room, and post them.  I didn't want y'all to see my mess!

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