Friday, December 14, 2012

reaching new milestones

Today, daddy is finally coming home.  It really hasn't been very bad with the girls.  I think I can hold my own with all of this traveling that he does.  Luckily though, he won't be going anywhere anytime soon.  Anna Claire is really starting to grow up.  She has gone the last 2 nights with only getting up to eat once!!!  She woke up this morning at 1:30 and I thought, oh no, she will be up again between 4 and 5.  I didn't hear from her until 6:40!  I was a little nervous, but I am hoping this is a sign of progress.  She is really starting to chunk up, so I think she has stored up calories to help her sleep longer. 

So, typically Amelia would be home with me on Fridays, but today is her school Christmas party, so I took her to daycare.  It was really sad though.  She did not want to go.  She said she wanted to stay home and play with daddy.  When I told her daddy isn't here, she said I want to stay with Anna Claire.  I took her anyway because I really need to get things done around the house.  Daddy got home around 1 then we went to the Christmas party.  It really wasn't very exciting.  I really should have just kept her home.

Enjoying some goodies at the party.  There are some wild kids in her class!
Afterwards, we tried to get the girls picture with Santa at the mall.  Well, Anna Claire finally fell asleep for a long overdue nap, and Amelia was just not having it.  She would not sit in Santa's lap for anything.  Santa just so happens to go to our church, so we are going to go see him on Sunday and talk to him and try to make her comfortable with seeing him.  We will see how it goes.
Anna Claire had a very exciting day.  We were doing some tummy time, and she finally rolled over from her belly to her back.  I was so proud of her.  I was just trying to get some pictures of how well she holds her head up, but instead I was able to video tape her first roll over.  Amelia rolled over in her sleep the first time, so I missed it.  It was a little shocking though when I went to check on her when she was crying. 
My baby is getting so big!  I would upload the video of her rolling, but it really isn't very exciting. 

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