Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Good time with friends

Last night, we had a few of our local friends over for a Christmas dinner.  It's kind of our new tradition.  We had it at our house because I thought it would be easier with the girls.  We are the only ones with kids.  Well, I got home from work and Drew says Anna Claire feels like she has a fever.  He had checked it with the ear thermometer and it was 98.8, so I checked it with the rectal thermometer.  It was 101.6.  That of course threw me in to complete stress out mode.  Not what I needed right before having friends over.  I immediately call her doctor.  He tells me that since she isn't jaundiced to have her checked in the morning by her pediatrician and check labs and let him know.  I hardly slept all night.  All I could do was pray for my little girl that she is ok.  Her fever did drop a little over night, but was back at 101.3 that morning.  I got to the clinic as they opened the door.  We did lab work, were checked by the doctor.  Her lab work still looks very good, no obvious reason for the fever.  But, she is now at 99.8 without medicine.  So, we are watching and waiting right now.  If she still has fever on Friday we will repeat the lab work.  Praying no more fever!

We did have a good time at the dinner party though.  It took my mind off of stressing for a little while.  And, we got to make a new friend.  Our friend John Mark has met a girl, and he finally brought her to meet us!  Amelia loved entertaining our guests.  Anna Claire had to go to bed early for all of our sanity.  I wish I took pictures.  I truly didn't think about it.  Drew did everything.  He made duck gumbo, and everyone else brought a side.  He did a very good job with the dinner party.  I was impressed.

I think I have said on here that Amelia really loves the moon.  But, as I was picking her up from daycare yesterday, she was very excited to try to find the moon.  She talked about it the whole way home.  So, we went and said hi to the moon as soon as we got home and told it night night.  She is so silly!

1 comment:

  1. I hope AC's fever goes away soon!
    Elizabeth loves finding the moon too. So sweet when she points it out.
