Saturday, December 22, 2012

Back to LeBonheur

This year we decided to have our families come to Greenville for Christmas.  It is just not so easy traveling with 2 babies.  So my family came Thursday, and left Friday.  We had a lot of fun.  It went by way too fast!  I hardly even saw Amelia because she was having too much fun with Madison and Brady.  I cooked dinner.  That was the deal, I said I would do all the cooking if they would come down, so I had to hold up to my bargain.  It was all yummy.  My mom helped some too.  Sharon was great and cleaned up the kitchen for me!  We had a fire and made smores and hot cocoa. 

It would have been perfect if my sweet Anna Claire had not started running a fever again.  We were all excited because she was fever free for most of Thursday, but it came back with a vengence.  So, I took back to the clinic Friday morning for more bloodwork.  Her liver enzymes had almost doubled and her bilirubin is going back up.  I knew that we have cholangitis and were going to Le Bonheur.  I called her doctor and told his nurse that we were on our way.

My family was still at our house so to keep Amelia out of the ER my sister took her home with her.  We were very lucky.  We didn't have to wait long at all.  We got there around 1 and had a room at 5.  Her fever was 103.1.  They finally started her IV antibiotics at 9 PM and she has been fever free since!!!  And, she is much less fussy and sleeping a lot.  She slept almost all night, which was wonderful.  I was exhausted.  I may have been averaging about 3-5 hours of sleep a night plus working and entertaining guests.  I am so glad my little girl is feeling better though.  Her liver enzymes have come back down almost to where they started, her bilirubin is still slowly creeping up, but hopefully that will change after a few days of antibiotics. 

My heart is sad though because my sweet Amelia has a bad cough.  With RSV going around, we can't let her get near AC.  So, she and Drew are going to his parent's house and will come back on Wednesday.  We will be here for at least 10 days of IV antibiotics.  It breaks my heart that we are all going to be seperated at Christmas.  I am just glad that they are so small that Santa can come whenever and they will never know the difference.  I just pray that this doesn't happen to us too many more times.  This mommy can't handle this too much more!

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