Sunday, October 21, 2012

Waiting for our big day

We are now playing the waiting game. We are so anxious for Wednesday to get here.  I never thought I would be wishing my life away, but right now I am wishing these next 3 days could be skipped.  Luckily we have great friends and family that are keeping us sane! Drew's parents came to spend the day with us thursday. Drew's cousin Molly and her husband came Thursday night.  They were sweet and brought us some yummy Mempis pizza cafe and snacks.  It was nice to have a little break from thinking about the scariness of that day.  Friday my parents and sister came with Amelia.  It was so good to see my girl! My childhood friend, Tish, also came to visit.  She has another friend who is in the hospital now, so she was in town to help them out.  Yesterday, I went to get Amelia and bring her back to spend the day with us.  We got some good news while I was gone.  The on call surgeon said that biliary atresia is definitely ruled out.  But, the gi specialist says we still won't know until after the surgery.  So, it is sill a waiting game as far as that goes.  But, my friends Beth and John came to visit.  They brought us a good basket.  We are so blessed by all our friends and family!  It is hard sitting waiting and we have really enjoyed having people come visit and entertain us for a little while.  Amelia started running a little fever that afternoon so we took her back to my sister's house.  She is fever free now, hopefully it will stay that way.  I know she is struggling with all of this.  She was clinging to me at my sister's house, and she woke up crying 3 times last night.  I'm not sure if it is that she isn't feeling well or if she is stressed.  I'm just glad that this time in our lives will be only remembered by me and their dad and will only be a story for them.  Please continue to pray for both of our girls and us through all of this.  We did ask the on call surgeon today about moving the surgery up with a different surgeon.  She is going to get back with us.  I feel it is unlikely but we are hopeful.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Stace! I'm just catching up on what's going on. I am praying for you and Drew and espcially Anna Claire.
