Thursday, October 25, 2012

Moving forward

Well AC had her surgey yesterday.  She is doing really well and will get to move to a regular room today.  She has been sleeping a lot, but I prefer that. She seems to hurt when she is awake.  So we now finally have our answers.  It isn't what we had hoped for her, but we will take what we were given and move forward.  She did have a choledochal cyst which they removed and did have to do some rerouting of her intestines to allow for bile drainage.  She also has biliary atresia.  Basically the bile ducts get hardened and do not allow bile to flow.  Bile is necessary for your body to metabolize fat.  If it does not drain, not only can your body not metabolize fat causing issues with weight gain and absorption of fat soluble vitamins, but the bile also will back up into the liver.  This causes damage to the liver and can eventually cause liver failure.  Luckily hers was caught soon, so the doctor was able to get some bile drainage, we are not sure if it is significant enough.  We should know over the next week what will happen from here.  Hopefully, her bile will drain and she will be able to clear her jaundice.  If not, we will be looking at a transplant in the future.  I am just so thankful that we know what we are dealing with and we can now move forward with a plan.  I am also thankful that my girl is otherwise healthy. She had put on 2 pounds since birth, which is very good for her condition. She has lost a little, but nothing significant.  Now we just have to work on getting her to gain.  We get to go home as soon as she is eating and pooping good.  We are praying for green poop! I have never been so anxious to see poop in all my life!
AC in her ICU bed.  That thing on her chest is called Freddie T frog, and it is wonderful.  She slept so peacefully when that was on her.  We brought it home, but I am too afraid to use it.
Amelia is being crazy spoiled by the family.  She is probably going to be rotten by the time we get home, but that is ok.  She is at the zoo with Mimi and pop now.  They are going to bring her by so I can get a quick hug.  I can't wait to have both of my girls together again!

Thank you to everyone for the prayers.  We are so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful family and friends.  We couldn't do this without each of you!

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