Friday, October 5, 2012

1 month/ 22 months

Today, my baby turns 1 month old!  Where has the month gone!  I can't believe that I have just 2 more weeks before I have to go back to work.  I am so thankful that I only work part-time.  I want to spend as much time with my girls as I can.  Anna Claire still sleeps a lot, but is waking up more and more each day.  She sleeps really well at night in her swing, not so well when we try to put her in the pack and play.  I plan to move her up to her room in 1 week, so we will see how it goes!  She has suddenly become a little piglet eating 4 oz every 2-3 hours.  She goes 4 hours at night (only when she is in the swing)!  She loves her bath.  She is slowly starting to smile more.  I am so excited to see her personality show itself more and more.  I know she has grown because I can see it in her hands, and her hair line is receeding, but otherwise I really wouldn't be able to tell.  She makes the sweetest cooing noises, and the funniest grunting noises at night.  It isn't so funny at the time though. 

I have a friend that blogs that wrote that she didn't mind her midnight feedings with her second child because she knew it was her last time.  She wanted to soak it all in.  I haven't experienced those same feelings.  I have been looking forward so much to when she will actually start sleeping through the night.  In the beginning, I was very frustrated by the night feedings, but I have gotten over that.  Last night, she was so sweet, plus she has gotten better about eating and going back to sleep.  But, last night, I just watched her fall back to sleep and she did that sweet cute thing that babies do as they fall asleep and their face shows every emotion possible.  I love that.  I remember when Amelia was a baby calling it the 20 faces of Amelia, and now I get to see it again with Anna claire.  She will give the biggest sweetest smiles.  It just makes you wonder what they are thinking. 

Anna Claire and I just came in from sitting on the swing.  It was a really sweet moment.  She was being fussy, but was immediately happy when we went outside.  She fell asleep while we were swinging.  I just looked around and listened.  I realized that I do love our neighborhood.  It is the best part of Greenville.  It is so pretty.  It has amazing trees.  The birds were chirping in the background, windchimes were playing.  The world felt perfect for those few minutes that we set on the swing, holding my sweet baby, and listening to the world around us. 

Love this little face!
My big girl turned 22 months this week.  She is becoming such a big girl.  It is crazy to me that she just all the sudden grew up over night.  She is starting to pretend play.  It is so cute to watch her.  She will have a tea party with her little animals now.  She is getting very independent, which would be nice if she could actually do the tasks, but since she is wanting to do everything herself, we are really working on teaching her.  

She loves wearing mommy and daddy's shoes.

Daddy got a really big box full of geese this weekend, so we of course turned it in to a fort for her to play in.  She loved it.  Would close herself completely in it, and not freak out at all unless you tried to open it and see her.

She loved playing hide and seek in the box.

Anna Claire is on the left and Amelia on the right.  This was Amelia's 1 month photo.  I put Anna Claire in this outfit earlier this week to compare them.  You can tell they are sister's, but I definitely believe they have their own look!

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