Saturday, October 27, 2012

2 steps forward 3 steps back

Yesterday was probably one of the best days I have had in a while. Anna Claire was able to start eating again, and she pooped and it was green! This was very exciting. I took a picture of he poop just for this blog. I tried everything I could to upload it, but it just wouldn't work.  I'm having to do all of this on the iPad.  So, some day soon hopefully you all will get to see my girls green poop.  You may wonder why I'm so excited about green poop, and for us it means that our little girl will hopefully be ok. It means that the bile is draining.  She hasn't had green poop since she was born.  We were also told that since she was doing so well we may get to go home on Sunday!!!  I can't wait to be home!  I can't wait to have my family together again. Since she was on the road to recovery, we decided to start dividing ourselves between the girls.  There is no reason for us both to be at the hospital so one of is with Anna Claire while the other is with Amelia. I got to stay with Amelia last night. It was the mot sleep I have gotten in while.  It was wonderful.
This is our green poop.  I'm sure you think this is gross, but it was pretty exciting for me!

Well, today was not such a good day. I felt like we took 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.  Drew called me to say that Dr. Langham had rounded, and that Anna Claire's white blood cell count is high and so is her bilirubin.  He is worried she may have cholangitis.  Because of her condition she is real susceptible to infections in her bile duct.  If this happens, the bile duct can block of again.  If that happens our next step will be transplant.  We are now back on strong antibiotics iv, and will not be going home tomorrow.  I was devastated! I can't take having the family split up anymore. I feel like there is no end in site.  The wonderful thing about lebonheur though is that they have the FedEx building right cross the street for families to stay. I called drew to see if we could get a room.  Luckily, we could, so now Amelia is with us.  She and drew are staying there tonight, and I'm with Anna Claire. They may not be in the same room, but we are at least within walking distance of each other.  Please continue to pray for my girl.  I am so scared for her.  I want nothing more for her than to be healthy and happy!

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