Thursday, November 15, 2012

busy, busy!

Well, life is definitely back to normal, and very chaotic!  One more work week down.  Yay!  Posting is becoming harder and harder.  Daddy had work meetings this week, so he didn't get home until after the girls were in bed.  I was exhausted, so bedtime came early for everyone this week. 

We had a few big moments this week.  Anna Claire actually went 8 straight hours of sleep.  I was so excited for her.  Then she continued to wake up every 30 minutes after that.  We are really going to have to start working on her sleep routine!  But, I am feeling hopeful!  Amelia pooped in the potty 2 times this week.  She was so excited.  If only we could get her to tell us when she needs to go. 

I've been talking to Amelia about Christmas and Santa Clause a lot this week.  I always said I would not be one of those parents that use Santa to bribe their kids into being good.  Well, I have become that parent.  She really isn't terrible, but she definitely knows how to push buttons.  Monday, I didn't work because of veterans day.  Amelia spent a lot of time in time out, and hearing no.  I don't understand kids facination with wipes.  Her room was covered with wipes and diapers more than once that day.  It was a pretty exhausting day for momma!  But, anyway, I've been telling Amelia about she better be good if she wants Santa to bring her toys.  So, I asked her what she wanted Santa to bring her.  Her answer was, a TV.  I was like really, at the age of 2 she is already asking for a tv.  We are in trouble!!!

Anna Claire is becoming more and more of a chatter box.  Little girl loves to talk.  I tried to video tape her the other morning, but of course when I got my phone out, she wouldn't say a thing.  I will catch it one day though.  She definitely talks more than I remember her sister chatting.  She is  such a sweet baby.  She smiles all of the time.  I will be so frustrated, and look at her and she has a smile going completely across her face.  Melts my heart every time.

I hate to post without a picture, so hear is one of my sweet baby girl.  I will post more of Amelia soon.  She is harder to photograph.  She sleeps good, and we a rushing to get out the door when she wakes up.  Anna Claire is up between 5 and 6, so we have a lot of time in the morning!

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