Sunday, November 25, 2012


A lot of people have been doing daily thankful posts on Facebook for the month of November.  I decided to sum mine up in a blog, but I wanted it to be seperate from my Thanksgiving week blog.  So, here goes.  I have so much to be thankful for.  I also try to remember this every day, and not just at Thanksgiving, but it is nice to have a day to help people get back into prespective.  First, I am thankful for a caring God that we can pray to, and that hears our prayers because without him, life would be pointless, and we would have no hope.  Next, I am thankful for him bringing Drew into my life.  He is truly a wonderful person, father, and husband.  I am so blessed that God chose him for me.  I am thankful for the 2 beautiful girls that I call my own.  They bring me so much happiness and fill my heart with joy.  I really believe that I never really new true happiness until they came into my life.  I am thankful for modern medicine.  Without it, I would not be able to see my baby girl grow up and see what she will become.  I am thankful for modern technology.  Living so far away from all the people I care about, I am able to see what is happening in my friends lives, video chat with family and Drew when he travels, and keep everyone updated on what is going on in our lives.  I am thankful for all of my friends and family.  I have seen how important they are in my life over this past month.  As hard as it was, we had so much love and support from so many people, that it really made it were it wasn't so bad.  I am thankful for my sister.  We fought like cats and dogs growing up, but she is the one person that I can call whenever and she will listen and care about what I have to say.  She has truly turned into my best friend.  I am thankful for my parents.  They are my biggest supporters.  I am thankful for my job which allows me to work just 2.5 days/week.  I love all the time I get with my girls!  I am thankful for my husbands job which allows me to work only 2.5 days/week.  I am starting to think I probably should have done a daily thankful.  There are too many things.  I am very blessed and there are so many things for me to be thankful for.  Mostly I am thankful for all of the wonderful people in my life.  God has blessed me with wonderful friends.  I feel blessed by everyone one of you.  I have the best coworkers anyone could ask for.  They will definitely be the reason I would be sad about leaving Greenville.  As much as I talk bad about Greenville, there are some really good people here.  I could keep going, but I am getting tired, and it is my night to get up with the baby.  I am thankful for the life that God has given me.  It just keeps getting better!

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