Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Life just keeps getting better!

This has been such a busy week for us full of doctors appointments and getting ready to go back to work.  The weekend was very uneventful.  But, Monday started the marathon of doctor's visits.  It was also Anna Claire's 2 month birthday.
It's funny cause she looks so different in person than she does in her photos.  But she has the sweetest smile and voice.

She still weighs between 11 and 12 pounds.  She is 23 inches long.  Monday, she really wasn't in to eating a whole lot.  She is finally as of yesterday eating without fighting it after just 2 oz.  She was just starting to eat 5 oz before surgery, so we've been working to build her back up again.  She is now eating 4 oz consistently.  Yay!  The meds she takes really do make her stomach sick, but I think she is getting used to them finally.  Sunday, she vomited at church, luckily at the very end of service.  But, the poor kids sitting behind us are ruined for life.  Pregestimil really doesn't smell good!  Also, as you can see in this picture, she is becoming more and more of a pink baby.  She is still a pale yellow, but it is quickly improving!

Monday was also a big day for Amelia.  She pooped on her potty chair!!!  We were very excited for her.  She got treats and praises.  We will see how long before that happens again.  I know she could do it, but I feel like I am maxed out on my stress amount right now and don't think I can take on that challenge just yet.  But, today, she took her diaper off during nap time, then preceded to take all of her diapers and throw them around the room.  It was a fun day for mommy.  Then, she took her diaper off after nap for me to change it, then ran to Anna Claire's room before I could get a new when on her.  When she returned to her room, she just said, Mommy I peed, on the floor.  She was right!  Amelia has also had another accomplishment.  She officially no longer uses a pacifier!  She has done really well.  She doesn't even ask for it anymore.  We decided that since the pacifiers now smell like dead fish, that it was time to get rid of them. 

Tuesday we went back to Le Bonheur for follow up.  We were very excited to get her labs and pathology report.  Her bilirubin has dropped from 7.4 to 5.2!!!  Her pathology showed that she does definitely have biliary atresia, but there was very little fibrosis.  That is so exciting!  We are still very hopeful that we can avoid transplant in the future, or at least delay it for as long as possible.

Today, mommy had a very big accomplishment.  I went to the grocery store with both girls by myself.  This was a first.  It went a lot better than expected.  AC was in the baby bjorn while Amelia was in the cart.  I got some strange looks, but both girls were good, and I got all my groceries.  That is all that mattered to me.

Tomorrow mommy goes back to work.  Boo!!!  But, Ms. Helen, the lady who kept Amelia at daycare when she was a baby, will be coming to care for AC.  I am so happy.  We love Ms. Helen, and I know AC will be well cared for.  She won't be able to start daycare for another 4 weeks.  I have to admit though that I am somewhat tempted to try to get Ms. Helen to continue to keep her for a while longer.  It makes me feel better to not have her in daycare.

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