Monday, June 18, 2012

Patience and enjoying the moment!

Our church's marquee sign has read for the past several weeks, Patience is having trust in God's timing.  I have read it every time I pass it, which is practically everyday, but never really thought about it.  Today it really just struck me.  I have so been wishing and praying for God to bring our family back to Memphis.  Especially these last several months.  And, as much as I want this, I do know that God has and always will do what is best for our family.  The truth is that sometimes what we really want is not always what is best for us.  Some times we have to learn that the hard way, or we just have to be patient and know that God's plan for us is often better than our own!

Ok, so now on a less serious note, today has been a pretty good day.  I usually judge my days not just on how things go at work but what my sweet baby girl is like when we get home.  Let me tell you, she was in a fabulous mood tonight!  Happy, not whiny at all, and just completely adorable!  Plus, I got a phone call from her daddy who said that he will be coming home tonight!!!  Yay!!!  But, all she wanted to do was go outside and play.  We were out there for as long as I could stand the mosquitos.  The thought of west nile kept passing through my head.  But, she has started doing this really cute thing where she will grab my hand and say momma come on, and take me where she wants to go.  She wants to know what everything is, she constantly says what's that.  Even if she knows what it is.  But, the cutest thing tonight was bath time.  She would look at me and say kick, kick, kick, which was her telling me to say that to her and she would go crazy kicking in the tub.  She thought that was the funniest thing ever.  After her bath, she loves to run around naked.  It is a job trying to catch her to just get a diaper on.  But, tonight, she started playing her music, and it was the funniest thing ever watching her dance.   Little girl has got some moves!   

Anna Claire has been so active tonight.   It's amazing that she will really move a lot when Amelia is around me.  She always kicks when Amelia is touching my stomach.  I think it is the cutest thing ever!  I know that she is just as excited to meet her sister as we are to meet her!
So this is actually a picture for Easter, but this is what we spent our night doing, playing with her car that our sweet neighbor lets her borrow until her grandkids come to visit.  She loves her car, and loves to get in it and say bye, bye and wave like she is leaving us.  I laugh now, but can't help but think that it really won't be long before she is really getting in a car and waving byebye.  It helps to remind me to soak every moment I can!

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