Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Celebrations and glimpses

Today is daddy's birthday!  Happy Birthday, Daddy!  He is officially 32 years old.  He spent the day having a little father/daughter bonding time.  I had to go to Jackson for an ultrasound, so I made a trip to Gigi's cupcakes, and picked him up a little treat.  I have heard they are wonderful.  It will be a first for both of us.  Can't wait to try them!
Chocolate covered raspberry!  Yum!  Those of you that know us, know how much we love raspberry!

Drew was so excited to finally be able to have a day to "sleep in" meaning till Amelia wakes up.  I had to get up early to head to Jackson.  So, I get up and go to the bathroom, like everyone else, but this morning, I turn on the light and there is a massive roach.  Roaches freak me out!  We haven't had any yet this year, but I knew it was coming.  When you live in a 70 year old home surrounded by massive trees, you are going to get roaches.  Well, you would think after 3 years of living here I would be able to handle a roach by now.  But, no I can't.  I wanted Drew to be able to sleep though, since it is birthday and all.  So, I told myself, ok I can do this.  So my plan was to pick up a shoe and throw it at him as hard as I could.  Well, my aim was really good!  The shoe landed right on that roach, unfortunately all it did was make it really mad.  It took off straight for the dirty clothes hamper.  I decided I would use the restroom and come up with my next plan.  Well, the roach comes darting out from the clothes, and I have never seen a roach move so fast, I couldn't help but start screeching.  I would say scream, but it isn't a scream, it is a distinct screech that can only be reproduced when I see a roach.  This of course ended Drew's plans to sleep in.  He thought I had fallen and had to check on me, but luckily he did come to my rescue.  The roach eventually lost that battle, and Drew was able to catch a few more minutes of sleep.
I went to Jackson today for an ultrasound of sweet baby Anna Claire.  Baby girl is already 3.5 lbs.  I looked up on, and average at this time is 2.5 lbs.  I hope that this isn't a sign that she is going to be huge!  We got to see a profile of her finally.  She has never cooperated before.   Her profile looks nothing like Amelia.  I know that doesn't mean much.  But, I can't wait to see her in person and know what she will look like!

We ended the day eating at the local Mexican restaurant before going to church.  I put Amelia to sleep.  She sang me a song, I wish I knew what it was, but it was sweet to hear her sing.  I will post if I can ever catch it on video.  She is very stubborn when I try to film her and wants to see what is being recorded making it impossible to record her doing anything. 
Good night!

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