Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mommy/daughter day

Amelia and I get a lot of time together.  I am very thankful for this, and that my job schedule allows me to have all of this time with her.  But, by the end of yesterday, I was exhausted, and just wanted to go to bed.  Daddy has been out of town all week, and I finally reached my point where I just had to go to bed.  So, sorry, I am a day late. 

I get up yesterday morning, and looked at my phone and saw that it was 60 degress outside.  I immediately thought, we've got to hurry up and get dressed and get outside.  It was fabulous!  It was an absolutely beautiful morning in Greenville.  We played outside for a while, kicking the ball, attempting to play baseball or golf, and playing chase.  She discovered the berries on the holly bushes.  At first it was fine because she would pretend to eat the berries.  Then she figured out how to actually pull them off.  I distracted her from them until I couldn't any longer, then we had to go inside.  But, that was fine because we still had errands to run.

So, then we went to exchange some shoes I bought her.  She was wearing a size 4 and I was truly only buying her new because her shoes are now brown instead of white.  So, I bought her a 5, had to get her a 6!  How horrible am I!  Apparently I needed to buy new because they were way too small!  Luckily, she doesn't know any different.  She just loves shoes and wants to wear them.  The funny thing about her though is when we look at shoes, she is always attracted to men's tennis shoes.  Very strange!

After nap, we went out to our fabulous pool to soak up some more rays.  I went to put her bathing suit on her and her bathing suit it is kind of frufru (how ever you spell that), but it has a ruffle and kind of looks like a dress.  I get it on her and she starts twirling saying, I pretty.  She was so excited!  She does the same thing on Sundays when I get her dressed for church.  I just love it.  Plus she'll look at me in a dress and say mommy pretty.  Makes this huge pregnant girl feel good. 
My girl being pretty!  Her hair is finally long enough to put in a ponytail.

Well, the heat really kicked in that afternoon and the water was almost on fire.  We stayed in as long as we could, but Amelia really was happiest when she got out and played in the mudpuddles.  I wish I had a picture of her after being outside.  Imagine the above photo with her covered in black.  We went straight to the bath when we came inside.  All in all, we had a truly fun day just hanging out and enjoying the beautiful weather!

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