Tuesday, September 11, 2012


We have had Anna Claire home for 2 days now.  So far, everything is going well.  Amelia has been at daycare the past 2 days, so that has helped.  She is staying home tomorrow.  It will be a true testament into my patience level I'm sure.  Anna Claire has been sleeping pretty good at night.  I actually do not feel just exhausted.  She still sleeps a lot, but is starting to stay awake for longer periods of time.  She also starting smiling yesterday.  I know it isn't purposeful, but it is cute.  I've been trying to get a picture of her smile, but that is a little difficult.  Amelia was smiling at the hospital, but she was 8 days late, so a little more developed.

Amelia has been doing well.  I know she is struggling some, but she is hiding it really well.  She has been much more attached to daddy, which is breaking my heart.  But, I know she will eventually adjust to her little sister and everything will be ok. 

We took our first outing today.  We went to Walmart for formula.  I was planning to try to nurse, but unfortunately it just isn't for me.  Amelia was a formula baby and she turned out perfect, so I think Anna Claire will be ok.  Anna Claire slept the whole time we were gone.  It was a pretty good first outing.

Amelia loves giving Anna Claire kisses.

Amelia playing with her toys while visiting with Anna Claire in the hospital.


This was Anna Claires take home outfit.  She didn't get to wear it home because she pottied on her outfit this day and her take home outfit was the only one I had to put on her.  But, since she was discharged so late at night, there was no reason to put her special outfit on her, we just wanted something comfortable for her to sleep in.  So, this will be her first church day outfit.

Hanging out with mommy.  She is starting to look around more and more everyday.  This picture was taken today, she is 6 days old.

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