Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Moving Week

I know I am so bad right now at keeping up with the blog, maybe it will get better.  It seems that the only free time is after 8:30, and here lately, I just want to watch tv and do nothing!  But, so much is going on, I need to update everyone, but I will go back and add some things soon! 

Friday is the big moving day.  The packers came today and will be here tomorrow to get everything packed.  I really thought that I was going to get to sit back and do nothing while they did everything.  Not the case.  We were right there with them helping.  It is a big help having them though.  But, I planned on catching up on the blog today!

This past weekend was full of seeing our Greenville friends.  Greenville might not be the most wonderful place, but there are really some wonderful people here.  Friday night we went to friends house for dinner.  We had a blast.  They have 2 sons around Amelia's age and lots of fun toys!  They had a puppy which kept Anna Claire's attention.  9:30 was when we left and there was not a tear before then.  I got a text from my friend that night saying that her son asked when Amelia was going to come and play again and she told him they would see her in Memphis and he had a meltdown.  He told her that he was going to tell Drew that he didn't want us to move and that we would stay.  So sweet!  If only it were that simple!  Saturday, we had lunch with one of our good friends.  She has been like my sister while we were here.  She helped us more than I could have ever imagined.  Drew and I would have never had a date night without her unless our parents had come more.  We will definitely miss the Wicker family!  That night we had dinner at another good friends house.  It was very relaxing and really good company.  Sunday, our close friends from church had us over for lunch.  It was so sweet.  They gave us a really sweet card and a Mississippi platter. 

It's happy and sad all at the same time.  We are so excited to be heading back home, but we will miss the people we have met here so much.  Tomorrow is my last day at work.  It will probably be really tough to say bye to the girls I work with.  They have been through so much with me, taught me so much, saw me through 2 pregnancies and crazy first baby fears.  They cried with me through all the stuff with Anna Claire and have been a constant support.  I don't think I could ask for a better group of women to work with.  I look forward to our next adventure, and will take with me some really good memories of some really sweet friends!

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