Saturday, October 4, 2014

Go Vols!

Several months ago, Drew's brother, Matt, asked us if we would like to make the trip to Knoxville to see the vols play.  My schedule at work is wonderful because it makes weekend trips very easy to plan.  So, this is the weekend we chose to head to Knoxville.  Most people would say we were crazy for taking to little girls, one that is very hyperactive, to a football game at Neyland stadium, and maybe we were.  

We headed up on Thursday and met Drew's old boss and his wife for dinner.  They were kind enough to give us 4 tickets and a parking pass for the game.  We planned on going to Dollywood on Friday, but there were crazy storms headed through, so we went shopping and met a friend for lunch at Calhouns on the river.  Afterwards, we went and fed the ducks on the riverwalk.  The girls had a blast.  We think took a nostalgic drive through Knoxville.  We really have a lot of good memories from that city.  That evening we met friends for dinner.  We were able to meet their twins for the first time, and the girls loved having someone their age to play with.  We went to a park close by after dinner and let them run around.  It allowed us some time to just chat and catch up.

Then today was game day.  The day we had been looking forward to since our vacation.  I had really been building it up to the girls.  I figured the more excited they were about going to the game, then the more likely they would be to behave at the game.  We worked on our cheers, practiced with our pom poms.  The girls thought it was oh so exciting.  They loved riding the bus from the ag campus, the excitement of all the fans, and listening to the band walking around playing for all the tailgaters.  Waiting for the game to start was a bit frustrating and needed a lot of extra effort, but once the band started, and the players ran through the T, the girls were hooked.  It was so much fun cheering with them and teaching them all the chants and songs that are the traditions of the game.  But, for anyone that has ever been to a game at Neyland stadium knows, it is really tight in there.  They really made their seating for anorexic women.  You are packed in like sardines.  We had 4 adults and the 2 girls sitting in our laps in the 4 seats.  Plus, we were in the middle of the row.  So, getting out for a quick let the girls run around, wasn't happening.  Plus, as much excitement as the loud noise creates for us, it was a little too much for little ears.  Plus, with a 12:00 start time, and no lunch, and this is the normal nap time, we decided that the first half of the game was enough for us.  So, even though, there was some stress, and we probably were crazy for taking them to the game, I am really glad we did it.  It was fun sharing that with them.  Showing them the nursing building and taking them around campus.  

1 comment:

  1. We took our girls 2 years ago for the homecoming game. We only lasted through the 1st quarter! We might try again when they're teenagers! Ha!!
