Monday, April 1, 2013

Swinging, worms, and Jeeps

Today was so beautiful, and we took full advantage.  We spent all day outside.  (Greenville considers the day after Easter to be a holiday too, so no school or daycare meant mommy had to take the day off).  This morning, during Anna Claire's nap, Amelia went out to play with her new bubble blower.  She decided she wanted to play basketball.  Well, the ball rolled under my car.  She went and got it.  I watched, but as soon as I looked away, she started screaming like she was dying.  I thought she had somehow slid on the rocks and tore up her hands.  I went running over there, and she is screaming worm got me.  She had touched a snail.  Having just experienced this a week ago myself, they do feel nasty.  But, it was hilarious.  But, now between the ants and the "worms" I don't know if I am going to be able to get her outside much longer! 

When daddy finished working, he met us outside, and hung the swing back up.  It was taken out by the fallen tree last October.  Amelia was so excited, and Anna Claire got her first ride.  They both loved it.  Amelia didn't love having to take turns, but it was a good learning experience for her.

Daddy pushed her a little higher than I would have liked,, but she had a blast!

After dinner, we went back outside.  We tried to get Amelia to ride her Jeep, but she wouldn't.  But, we know how to manipulate her, and that is Anna Claire.  She can't stand for Anna Claire to do something and for her to get left out.  So, a few rounds with Anna Claire riding the Jeep and Amelia was ready to hop in.  It took a little bit, but she finally was ready to get back in the drivers seat.  She can't steer a bit, and she is usually looking everywhere but where she is going, but she is now in love with her Jeep.  Score 1 for mommy and daddy.  Hopefully, her driving skills when improve over the next 14 years!

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