Thursday, September 4, 2014

Happy Birthday, Anna Claire!

Anna Claire is officially 2 years old!  I can't believe that after 4 years, I no longer have a baby in my home.  It's sad and exciting all at the same time.  Anna Claire is growing into such a sweet, happy, funny, energetic little girl.  She is so much fun to watch and brings us all so much joy and happiness. We celebrated her birthday with a small family party at our house.  We just grilled burgers and hot dogs and made some yummy sides.  I made probably the worst chocolate cake ever.  It was ok as long as you had ice cream with it.  Oh well, saved me from eating some extra calories that I didn't need anyway.

I'm terrible!  I didn't even pull out the camera until she opened presents.  She had a lot of fun playing with all the family.  

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