Monday, May 12, 2014

Our little sneaky girl!

So, yes, I realize I am crazy behind on my posts.  Life is crazy busy right now.  We are non-stop on the go, and loving every minute of it!  But, I just had to share this before I forget.  Last night, Drew was grilling out burgers.  The girls and I were hanging out with him.  Amelia says, Daddy where is your ring.  I said to Drew, man she is really observant.  (Feeling so proud of her, just like her mommy).  So then Drew explains why he isn't wearing a ring (which I actually hadn't noticed, my skills are leaving me!).  Well, tonight, Drew says, Stacy have you seen my ring.  I remembered that Amelia had asked about his ring yesterday and knew that was just too suspicious.  So, of course Amelia knew exactly where his ring was.  She had found it and hid it in our couch!  Crazy girl.  She was trying to mess with him yesterday, but neither of us were concerned enough to pick up on it.

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