Thursday, August 9, 2012

Procrastination and getting left behind!

Today, as I finished up my to do list for Anna Claire, which consisted of boiling all of her bottles and pacifers, I started thinking.  Why have I been so putting this off?  It really wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  Now I'm finished, and I really don't have anything left to do but wait for baby girl to get here.  I think I would save myself a lot of stress if I would just do things instead of putting them off.

If you could see these in person, it would be a lot funnier.  But, we used these playtex bottles for daycare cause they work better than the Dr. Browns for heating the way the daycare heats their bottles.  So, as I am boiling bottles, I throw these in the water, clearly not paying attention to the fine print that says, do not boil.  When I went to take them out of the water, I realized something didn't look right.  They are now a 1/3 of the size they are suppose to be.  I guess if baby girl doesn't do well with the Avent, then we will be buying more bottles.  Drew and I at least got a good laugh out of it!

Amelia is 20 months old now, and she is definitely every bit of a toddler.  I am having a hard time keeping up with her.  It doesn't really make me sad that she is growing up, especially since we will be having another baby in just a few weeks.  But, for some reason, I am having a hard time with letting her do things on her own.  It is really hard to not think of her as a baby anymore and start giving her her independence.  It just amazes me to just sit back and watch her.  She is quickly becoming a little girl.  Her speech is improving and vocabulary.  She no longer just repeats what I say.  I can't wait till we can have a conversation. 

We did have to get on to her today.  Daddy brought her home from daycare to find a note saying she bit another child out of anger.  We had made it a whole week without biting.  It's a little too late to really discipline cause who knows when it actually happened, but we did have a long talk with her.  About 6 months ago, when Drew would get on to Amelia for something, and I mean just saying in a calm voice that he heard what she did and wasn't happy, she would break down crying.  Now, she's just like ok, let's move on to something else.  She is a mess!  We have decided no pacifer during the day, only nap and bedtime, and we are going to have to start getting on to her for putting things in her mouth.  Hopefully the biting is something that will be behind us for good soon, at least with Amelia.  I hate being the parent with the child that bites! 

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