Wednesday, August 8, 2012

nursery almost completed!

We are sitting here watching the olympics, and as amazing as these athletes are, I would never want to see myself running in slow motion!  Not pretty! 

Ok, just had to say that, now moving on.  Today, I had another appointment with Dr. Beckham.  Everything went good.  I didn't get in trouble for my weight gain this time, but my stomach did grow quite a bit.  He said, I guess I don't need to tell you that though.  I said no, I hear that everywhere I go, how big my stomach is.  He then said well you really aren't big, you're right where you need to be.  Wish I could have recorded that!  I am now down to going weekly, so I would love to be able to remind him of those words next week! 

Since I had to go to the doctor, and Drew is busy working, I took Amelia to daycare this morning.  This meant that I had a little extra time to get some things done.  I went by the local clothing score, they carry Toms, I have yet to buy a pair, but they have been such a hot topic lately that I decided to go get some.  Unfortunately, they didn't have my size.  But, they did have some for baby girl.  They are so stinking cute on her.  I also made it to lowes and Kroger solo.  It was so nice shopping alone.  I did pick her up before nap time though, she just sleeps better at home, which is better for everyone!  During nap time, I recovered the lamp shade that I bought today for Anna Claire's room.  I finally have her room mostly together.  It could use a little more decor, but that will come. 

This afternoon, we decided to do a little painting, until mommy realized that washable didn't meant that it would wash out but that the color would stay once washed.  We then decided to go back to our color wonder colors.  Then when outside and played until we couldn't stand the heat any longer, which was only about 20 minutes.

Amelia is just about as cute as she can be, but she has been testing my patience lately.  We are really going to have to start working on her actually doing as I say the first time.  It's as if I didn't even speak.  Unfortunately, this mommy is running low on patience.  I have been counting to ten in my head a lot lately, but that is working less and less. 

Here are some photos of the nursery.  It is still a work in progress, but probably will be past Anna Claire's arrival.  She has all she needs to be well taken care of at this point!

I should have gotten a better picture of the lamp, it is really cute.  I need something over the bed, but not sure yet.  When I find it then something will be there.

This lamp needs a shade.  I still have to figure out what I am going to do to it.

I love her crib, and the pictures on the wall.  I did purchase them before painting the room.  Never would I have thought they would blend into the wall so much.  I have considered painting that part of the wall a different color as a contrast, but hopefully we won't be in this house much longer, so that takes away my motivation.

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