Thursday, August 30, 2012

hurricanes and theories

So, hurricane Isaac has been a hot topic here this week.  I don't know if I am crazy or just what, but I haven't seen the big deal.  There was a sell out of milk, bread and gas.  I'm like it's just a storm by the time we get it.  Drew says, you've never been through a hurricane before Stacy, but neither has he.  And, we still haven't it is a storm by the time it reached us.  But, anyway, the one thing that the storm has caused apparently, that I didn't think about, is a ton of people to go into labor.  I went to see my doctor yesterday, and was informed that the hospital is full!  Women's water is breaking all over town.  They were surprised that I was fine.  Well, apparently I have a really strong uterus.  Hurricane pressure is no match for it.  My sinuses on the other hand.  They have been miserable.  But, I am glad to not be in labor yet, and praying this hurricane will just go on and not cause me to go into labor.  I don't want to be having my baby in some random room in the hospital because all of the labor rooms are full.  My doctor did tell me that he will induce at any point now whenever I decide I'm ready.  So, I am going to work my tail off these next few days to get "caught up" at work, and hopefully get her here next Thursday.  The problem with having a post labor day baby, and a doctor that loves college football is that I know he will be out of town for the games on the weekend.  I can't handle the other doctors around here delivering my baby.  So, I'm going to save myself the stress.  A friend told me the other day that the fastest way to have things go not as expected is to have a plan.  I hope that isn't the case for me.  But, it isn't going to stop this control freak from having one.  I have been doing a lot of praying these last few days for God to get me at least past Sunday.  After that, anytime will be fine!

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