Sunday, August 12, 2012

Playing with the animals

Yesterday, Amelia slept till 8!  This is big for me, she is usually up by 7.  But, unlike Friday, she woke up crying this morning.  So, when I get up there, she still looked like she was asleep just very groggy.  But, we rocked for a minute, she started to come around, and I asked her what do you want to do today.  She said, I want to see the animals.  I don't know where that came from, but, we had no plans so I said, ok, we will talk to daddy.  He was out at the lake but coming home soon, so we went downstairs and enjoyed some sausage balls and donut holes.  She couldn't remember that she wanted to see the animals when daddy got home, but mommy told him and he was all for it. 

Luckily, a cold front had come through, and it was really nice yesterday.  We went back to the wild life safari.  This time, we went on the trailer tour.  I think Amelia enjoyed it more on the trailer.  There were a lot of other kids on the tour, and the animals were running up to us for food.

I really think she loved the goats in the petting zoo the most!  She just kept talking about them.

Getting ready to leave on the tour to see the animals.

We saw deer first.  She was so excited.  The zebras came up next.

The bison was very friendly and followed us everywhere.  It takes a lot of food to fill up his belly!

Our last stop was the llamas.  Amelia loved giving them the rest of her food, but after that she was done!  She was ready for food herself, and a nap.

We got back to the welcome center to see the inside animals, and they had a baby kangaroo.  You could go right up to it and pet it.  Amelia especially loved that it wore a diaper just like her.

We then headed back home, rested, and then went outside to play.  Our sweet neighbors came over and visited with us for a little while, and then we headed to the lake to throw Cody his dummy.

Cody jumping into the lake.

The water is so low right now, that there is sand everywhere.  Amelia loved playing in it.  I can't wait to take her to a beach.

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