It has been long overdue, but our family finally took our first family vacation! We spent a wonderful week in Destin. We started our trip on Saturday the 7th. Drew and I decided that we would be smart and leave at 4 AM and that way the girls would possibly sleep the first 4 hours at least and we would be half way there. Well, they had different plans. It turned out to be a long day, but they really were a lot better than we had expected. We were so excited to get to the beach though, but we all went to bed really early that night! It didn't take long for us to get in a nice routine. The girls woke up crazy early, but it turned out to be good. AC would take an early nap and then be good to go until lunch, so there wasn't a lot of back and forth from the beach to the condo. We spent our mornings on the beach and after nap time we would spend a short time at the beach then head to the pool. Amelia loved the beach! She would have spent every minute she could there if we would let her. Anna Claire was just happy to sit in her chair. The last day we were there, the tide had come in higher and the sand was much more backed down, and she loved the beach that day. I think because she could walk better. But, we had a lot of fun hunting for crabs, trying to catch fish, feeding the seagulls, building sand castles, flying our kite, and just spending time with each other. We also were able to visit with some friends while we there. My "oldest" friend (known her the longest), Tish, hung out with us a few days, and my cousin Lauren met us for lunch. I wish we could have seen her boys and my aunt and uncle! We also ate some very yummy food! I can't wait to go back!

Thursday, we rented bikes and road around 30A down to grayton state park. Drew pulled the girls most of the way, but I did take over at the end and gave him a break. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We did stop and enjoy some beach time too!
Our last day. AC finally decided she loved the beach. She was all over the place!
Amelia enjoying a snack.
Trying to catch some fish to feed the seagulls.
Building sand castles
Our attempt at a family photo.
AC's favorite place on the beach. As long as she had that chair and a cup of milk, she was good to go!
Jumping the waves!
It really was a perfect week. The weather couldn't have been better. The water was beautiful! And, there were very few people down on vacation. It was wonderful! I have never been so excited to grow old in my life. There were so many old people down there just having a blast! That is how I want to be when I grow old!
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