Today is Anna Claire's 1st birthday! Daddy is out of town so I planned on making it a great day with just us girls! I don't know what I was thinking scheduling her 12 month check up at 10:20 this morning, but we worked with it. I would have rescheduled, but I really wanted to see him and ask a few questions. So, we had a yummy breakfast of blueberry pancakes. The doctor said everything looks great to him. She is 30.5 inches tall (90th %), 23.5 #'s (85%) and don't remember head but it went from 66% at 10 months to 77% at 12 months. She is definitely growing well! Imagine what she would be had it not been for the first 10 weeks of her life! I'm just thankful she is doing so well! We then headed to the zoo. I decided we would pick up some food along the way. I have avoided chick fil a for a while because I got burned out on it in college, but I thought why not. I was so excited to see they have grilled chicken nuggets on the kids menu! I really don't like AC eating a lot of fried food. So, off we went to the zoo. It was so nice the middle of the week when school is in. We almost had it to ourselves! That evening after dinner, we went outside and played in the bubbles and played on the swings for a little while. I think she had a great birthday!

watching the gorillas watch us. Amelia was so excited about her cow watch!
best shot I got of her with her 1 year sticker on
she's saying, I wish you would stop saying Anna Claire and just let me pull these flowers off! Enough pictures already!
Amelia wanted her picture taken too.
Does she love bubbles or what! The gazillion bubble maker machine was definitely worth whatever I paid for it!
On a mission to get every bubble!
This was our last activity of the evening. I'm not sure what it is about dead leaves, but Anna Claire loves them. She is thoroughly entertained by just having a few dead leaves to pick up and tear apart.
She has definitely stolen a lot of hearts. She is such a sweet girl, and a lot of fun to be around. She is naturally funny and gives the best hugs! She is a little spit fire and I can see that she will not let anything get in her way of what she wants. She is my little fighter! She truly amazes me. We all love her so much and look forward to many more birthdays with her!
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