Friday, September 21, 2012

Little momma

I know I haven't written a Flashback Friday in a while.  I'm not really sure that I have blogged on a Friday in a while.  But, the crazy thing is is that my life seems like one big flashback.  I have forgotten so much about Amelia as a newborn, I really think I tried to block all of that out, but Anna Claire brings back so many memories.  

Today, we went up to Amelia's old daycare to say goodbye to everyone and bring them a little thank you for all they did for Amelia over the past 1.5 years.  It really broke my heart.  Amelia was so excited to be there.  She was not to happy to leave her friends or all the toys. 

This afternoon, after everyone woke up from their naps, we went outside.  We are getting in as much fresh air as possible.  It is so perfect outside right now.  The only bad thing is we traded mosquitos for gnats.  I'm not sure how that happened, but I think the gnats may be worse than the mosquitos. 

Amelia loves walking her baby back and forth up the walk way.  Now that Anna Claire is here, her baby is getting a lot of attention.

Anna Claire just hanging out with mommy while Amelia walked her Anna Claire (she named her baby Anna Claire)
Daddy came out after he finished his meeting.  He loves to swing Amelia really high.  She loves it, but it makes me nervous!


  1. Um....Amelia looks like a big girl!! Oh my! I haven't thought that until these pictures!!!

    Love AC's owl outfit. I need that for Emery:)

  2. I know, it makes me so sad that she is growing up so fast! She is such a big girl. It is still crazy to me that we can actually have somewhat of a conversation now.
    The owl outfit is one of my favorites. It is a zutano outfit that I bought when Amelia was a baby. AC better get used to hand me downs!

  3. She really likes to go high, but hitting the limb is a little much!
