Sunday, September 9, 2012

Coming home!!

Today is the day that we have been looking forward to since Wednesday!  I am typing this just before we leave to go get our sweet baby girl and bring her home from the hospital.  Her cultures were negative, so I really do not think she had any infection, but I guess always better to be safe than sorry.  She is getting more and more comfortable with being in the world.  She is staying awake more, making more facial expressions, and not crying every time she gets touched anymore.  She really is so sweet.  I am feeling really anxious though.  I'm hoping for a smooth transition from 1 child to 2 children.  At the hospital, she seemed to wake up more at night to eat than during the day, so hopefully we can correct that.  I'm not sure what she has been like the last 2 nights, so it should be interesting tonight.  I will post pictures of her coming home tomorrow.

I have to brag on my big girl though too.  She is growing up so much.  I think she has really struggled this week, but I think she knows momma is struggling too.  She was so sweet tonight.  We were eating dinner, and I was getting up to put everything away.  She said she was ready to get down.  I said are you sure you are finished and she said yes, so I went to grab her plate before getting her down.  She says, no mommy, I do it.  So, I said ok, I really thought she was going to take her plate into the living room to finish in front of the tv, but she grabs her plate, takes it to the trash, throws her leftovers away, and then walks to the dishwasher to put the plate in the dishwasher.  I was absolutely shocked!!!!  I praised her all night for that.  I don't know how I was blessed to have such a wonderful sweet little girl.  But, I thank God everyday for her, and know she truly makes my life so much better just for being in it. 

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