We took our first little trip up to Memphis on Thursday. It was a quick trip, but we wanted Mimi to meet Anna Claire, and were also able to get newborn photos taken while we were there. Luckily so far, Anna Claire loves her car seat. She slept the whole way there and back. Hopefully she will stay that way because we can't seem to stay in Greenville to long of a time.
We did our photos as soon as we got to Memphis. I'm not sure that that was a good idea. It was right at 12, so not only was Amelia hungry, but she was tired too. She did great to begin with, but when we changed backgrounds, she refused to take any more pictures. There is no forcing a 1 year old to do anything, so we just gave up. Anna Claire was just having a cranky time for some reason. We got some good shots, but not many. But, truthfully, I don't need a hundred shots, just a few really goods ones was all I was hoping for. After the photo shoot we went to Cracker Barrel. It was a first family of four time to eat out at a restaurant. It took me forever to be ready to take Amelia to a restaurant. I don't know why, but I just knew she would have a melt down as soon as we walked in the door. I don't seem to worry about that sort of thing anymore. Funny thing is, Amelia did have a melt down almost as soon as we went through the door. Really a couple at the table, but we made it through it.
We then went to grandmomma and granddaddy's house. I just knew Amelia would fall asleep on the way there, we would lay her down and she would finish her nap. Well, that didn't happen. She was a complete monster. My sister and her family came over that night. We had a lot of time playing with cousins. Amelia was fine once they were there. She loves her cousins, and was really torn up when they left. I do wish that we lived closer for her to see them more often.
The next day, Drew's mother and grandmother came over to meet Anna Claire. We had a good time visiting. We then headed back home to Greenville. We were fortunate enough to have dinner brought to us that night. It is so nice to come home from traveling and have a yummy warm dinner prepared for you! I've been doing so good on my weight loss, but with all this yummy food, it might just come to a screaching halt.
Today, we planned to just hang out at home, and get ready for the UT/Florida football game. We had lunch at a new restaurant in town. It is now the popular hangout. It was pretty crowded. We enjoyed our food then headed home for naps. I think all that traveling had caught up with us. I then got to watch the game with my 3 favorite people. We made tailgate food, chili, and waited to watch the vols beat Florida. Unfortunately it didn't turn out in our favor. It was really sad. I didn't really get to watch it too closely. Amelia wanted to play and of course I wanted to play with her. We had brought out the play mat for Anna Claire. Of course Amelia doesn't remember that toy so she was really excited about it. She wanted to sit under it. I decided to make it into a tent. She thought that was the coolest thing. She played in her tent for the rest of the evening.
playing peek a boo from her "tent"
I know it is a pitiful tent, but she thought it was pretty cool!
It didn't stay together very good
She loved hiding from us.