Friday, June 15, 2012

Flashback Friday!

So, my friends know that I am stealing the flashback Friday from them.  But, the truth is I am 18 months behind on sharing the life of my sweet baby girl, so I will need to do a lot of catching up. 

I thought that for my first "flashback Friday" I would start with the second most important day of my life (first being the day I married my wonderful husband).  Plus, it just so happens that it actually occurred on a Friday.  The birth of my sweet baby girl on December 3, 2010.  She was 8 days late.  But, I think she came right on time.  We went to the hospital to start the induction process, but luckily my contractions turned out to be true contractions, and I was in labor and did not have to be induced!  She was born at 9:02 am, weighed 8 lbs and was 19.5 inches long, and was completely perfect in every way. 

She had just finished her first bath, and was all comfy cozy. 

We live several hours away from all of our family, so we had told everyone to wait to come once we went home from the hospital.  I really didn't want an audience while I was in labor, and who wants to entertain during that time.  It's not like living close where everyone can come for a short time then leave.  My parents and sister came to the hospital and spent the day with us, they arrived shortly after Amelia was born.  Drew and I were both completely exhausted by the end of the day, and I am pretty sure I went to sleep right after they left.  The nursery only brought Amelia in 1 time that night.  It felt good to get some good sleep before heading home to take on parenthood. 

I love this picture because she looks like she was smiling!  So sweet from the very beginning!

We went home on Saturday.  We couldn't leave the hospital until she had a wet diaper.  She had had plenty of dirty, but mommy didn't know she was suppose to be checking for wet too.  So, until we were certain she could urinate, we were stuck in the hospital.  You have never seen 2 people more excited to see a wet diaper!  It also happened to be the day of the SEC championship, so we were really hoping to watch it from home and not a hospital! 

The first night really went well.  We didn't get a bit of sleep, but she slept so good.  I don't know why you worry so much that they are just going to stop breathing if your not there listening to them.  I know so many people that say they couldn't stand all the new baby noices at night, and couldn't wait to get them in their own room.  But, I loved them.  They gave me so much reassurance that everything was ok just as long as I could hear those noices.  We actually woke her up to eat for the first several nights.  I was too paranoid to let go much over 3 hours because she was born with low blood sugar.  Eventually I got over that. 

Anyhow, she has been the biggest blessing in my life, and is truly a joy to be around.  She is the funniest person I know, and continues to make us laugh more and more everyday. 

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