Saturday, June 30, 2012


Today has been a day of accomplishments for both me and Amelia.  I decided that it was time to turn her crib into a toddler bed.  She is not huge, but she isn't small for her age either.  It was really getting difficult lifting her in and out.  So, that was what we did first thing this morning.  She was so excited about her "big girl" bed.  She did great for nap time, which is what I was worried about.  We will see how she does tonight.  She woke up from her nap and just played in her bed.  I really thought she would jump up and run for the toys.  She didn't get up until I got up there to get her.  I don't know that it will be like that for long, but I hope it lasts for a little while!

So, my big accomplishment...I not only killed a wasp today with a shoe, but I just killed a roach with a shoe.  Granted, I found the longest shoe in my closet to get that roach.  But, I did it without even a screech.  The wasp didn't scare me too much.  I thought, well, I don't have a choice with the wasp.  Not that I've ever reacted to a wasp sting, I sure don't want to risk the first time to be when I'm 30 weeks pregnant!  Unfortunately, with the roach, Drew had just left to take Cody for a walk, so there was no choice, and we just put little girl to bed, so it couldn't be anything noisy like the vacuum.  But, I must say, I am pretty proud of myself!  Don't know if I can be so brave again, but there is hope. 

This is a completely unrelated photo, but she loves Cody so, and I don't really have a photo today.  So, enjoy my sweet baby and her best friend!

Well, hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!  It is a weekend of chores for us!  But, it feels good to get some things checked off the list of things to do. 

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