Saturday, November 15, 2014


The girls and I headed out today to meet our friends Misty and Keylee to explore the Children's museum of Memphis.  I have always wanted to take them, but have always been so reluctant because I know it is a virus' playground.  But, I went toting a package of wet ones and a lot of prayers.  We had a great time.  I had no idea what to expect, but it was really neat.  You could literally spend an entire day there.

Amelia in the pilot seat of the Fedex airplane.  

Flying the prop plane.  Anna Claire wanted nothing to do with it.

She did have a lot of fun grocery shopping and scanning all of her items.  Thank you to Misty for helping us get them all back in their place!

You can't tell, but they are in a firetruck.  Had to show them what granddaddy use to do.

This picture is really hard to see but Amelia and Keylee's faces are at the bottom of the screen.  It was so cute them performing on the stage.  Amelia loves seeing herself on the tv.  I'm thinking Anna Claire is up there too, but I'm not sure where.  

I don't know that we will be going back to the CMOM for a while.  We will go back once it gets warm again for sure though.  they are building a new outdoor play area and it looks so much fun!

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