Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Our little acrobat

Anytime I get a phone call from daycare/ now our sitter, my heart stops for a second. Well I got my first call from our sitter on Monday. Anna Claire decided she needed to be out of her crib to see what was going on but instead of just calling for Nina she escaped on her own! I knew she would probably be my child that escaped from her crib but I really thought I would have a few more months! She hasn't even tried at our house. She has a nice shiner to show for her herself. Apparently she isn't a very graceful escape artist!
Day 1

After the swelling went down and the blackness set it. I think she is really proud of her black eye!
We decided that it was time to convert her crib to a toddler bed. I said not until everything is bolted to the wall. So daddy took care of that and we changed her bed over. She fell out 45 minutes into her first nap in the toddler and it became a disaster from there. Needless to say, we are praying that was a fluke and she is back in a crib. So far so good!

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