This is the last weekend in October. The last weekend of all the fun fall activities. Our family has a yearly hayride. I have missed several since we moved, so I was excited to be back and to for sure make the hayride this year. I selfishly do wish it was a different weekend. Our church was having trunk or treat today and I was really wanting to take the girls. But, I really am excited to see all of my family! We started the day by working on the girls playset and ended with the hayride. We had a great time. I was a little stressed with the fire and the metal trash can of burning trash, but everyone survived without injury! It is really difficult having such an energetic 1 year old who knows no fear! The temperature was perfect, and we all had a great time!
Amelia running around playing with her cousins. She was hoping for a Vol win!
AC running around also hoping for a Vol win!
My mom riding my grandmother back to the bonfire. It's really sad that it has almost been a year since I have seen my nana!
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