Yesterday, the girls and I met our friends at the zoo. It is so nice having a membership and being able to go whenever. The weather could not have been any more perfect! We had a lot of fun with all our friends and seeing the animals. Amelia wanted to see all of the big animals. She said the polar bear was small so she didn't want to see him. Well, we just happened to get to the polar bear exhibit at feeding time, she now knows for sure that the polar is not small. It was fantastic. I am really glad though that we walked around and saw the wolves. I don't know why but since we moved here Amelia has been talking about a wolf in our yard. It is now in her room. But, I have now finally convinced her that the wolf is not in her room but at the zoo. We live close to a railroad track, and the train runs at night. I think she may be hearing the train and in her mind it is a wolf. So, now I point out the train each time it passes so she will know the difference. Hopefully no more talk of a wolf in her room.

The girls had a great time. I only got pictures at cat country. I'll do better next time!
That night, my parents took us to dinner at this really cute restaurant in Arlington called Vinegar Jims. It has been at the Arlington square forever. It was so yummy! One of the things I will miss about Greenville is the food, but Vinegar Jims comes pretty close. They don't have the tamales but they do have some fantastic Cajun food! After dinner everyone came back to our house. We had a lot of fun playing outside. My nephew is going to play football this fall, so he had a lot of fun throwing the lawn dart around. I think he thought of it as practice.
One last thing I almost forgot, when I was loading Amelia in to the car on our way to the zoo, she said to me, mommy, I am so glad you stay home. Broke my heart! But, I really don't think she meant that she is glad I am not working. I think she is struggling with all of the traveling Drew is having to do. Luckily it will be slowing down really soon!
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