So, we have finally moved in to our new home. It was a crazy week of trying to get in extra time with old friends, being packed and moving out. The packers started on Wednesday June 26 and that was the first day of no cable. We did not have internet service again until July 5. So, we survived a whole week of nothing but a cell phone and it really wasn't that bad. Probably because there was so much to do that there just wasn't time. But, we closed on the house June 28 and the movers came June 30. We slept on mattresses on the floor until our stuff arrived. It really wasn't that bad. The girls loved the freedom of the big open rooms. I told them to enjoy while they could. Friday night, my family came over to check out the house. My nephew was very excited to learn that he has a friend living down the street from us, and before we knew it, he had made his way on down to their house to play. That Saturday, we joined Costco, so exciting, bought stuff for the house, and then headed to the local state park to visit with Drew's family. His mother had rented a cabin there for a few days and her brother who now lives in China had come to visit, so we were able to spend some time with them.
Sunday, the fun began. Everything was unloaded by 4 and I got busy. I sent Drew to the playroom with the girls and got as much done as possible. That evening we took a walk around our neighborhood. We met some of our neighbors and visited with an old friend of mine from high school who lives 2 houses down. How fun is that! Her son is the friend of Brady. We love our neighborhood. It is, in my opinion, the best neighborhood in Arlington. It is really close to the Arlington square which is getting more cute shops. And the neighborhood beside us has really cute craftsman style homes. I love driving around through, or walking, and checking them all out. It is just a really cute area of Arlington. I have to admit that I was a little nervous about Arlington, but I really think we will love it.
Drew's mother and aunt watched the girls on Monday so I could get more done, and my sister came that afternoon. I am very grateful for them. I don't know how this house would have been put together so quickly had they not come to help. After Monday, I had enough unpacked that we could finally start to have a little fun.
My friend Misty and her daughter Keylee came to visit us on Tuesday. We had a lot of fun hanging out with friends. That afternoon after nap time, I took the girls to our local park. It is 0.5 miles from our house. fantastic! They had a blast! Anna Claire loved the swing! We didn't stay too long, but daddy went with us on Wednesday, and we stayed longer and Amelia got to go down the big tube slide. I was too nervous to let her do it when it was just me.

July 4, we took the girls to Shelby Farms. I love Shelby Farms. It is one of my favorite places in Memphis. At the end of our walk, which it has been a long time since I have walked hills, and it was tough, but there is now this really cute park that we stopped at and let the girls have a little fun and enjoy the farms. I have no pictures, but we will go back some day. They have a lot of different areas. Not all appropriate for my little ones, but Amelia loved the slide area and they both loved the sand pit. They were a mess afterwards, but they had a blast, and that was all that mattered. The girls loved watching the fireworks that night. Anna Claire didn't seem frightened by the noise at all.
Friday, my friend Beth and her 2 little girls came to visit. It was fun watching the girls interact. We had a good time visiting with all of our friends that week. It was a nice break from the craziness of the house.
Since we have lived here Amelia has finally learned to ride her tricycle. There are 3 little girls who are always out riding their bikes and I think they motivated her to learn. I am so proud of her though. The girls came over the other night to play with us. They were so sweet. Maybe Amelia will be out there with them soon on her little tricycle (they are a bit older) and I'll get some pictures.
She is so proud of herself!
I am trying to keep the girls busy. Since I don't have a job yet, I am taking full advantage of my time with the girls. We get out and do something daily. Plus I go crazy if we sit in the house. The girls do love the playroom though, and so do I! But, so far, we are having a blast here. It's hard to imagine being here the next 20 years, but I am really looking forward to it. We run around and play every night, and there is nothing better than hearing my little girls giggle with each other.