Friday, we drove up to see the new house one last time before we close. We were so excited. Amelia was so excited to see. I think she liked it. We were a little rushed. Traveling takes a little longer when you have a potty trained little girl. We weren't counting on that, so we were a little late. We didn't get to spend as much time as we would have liked, but as of next week, we will be spending a lot of time there! After we left the house we grabbed lunch at lenny's. We then went to my parents to relax and let the girls take a nap. When we got to my parent's house, I noticed Anna Claire was really hot. She hadn't been fussy at all, so I thought maybe she was just hot from being in the carseat. But, I took her temp and it was 103.1. I gave her Tylenol and laid her down and called her doctor. He wanted us to get her there immediately and said they would probably admit her. So, we rushed to LeBonheur. By the time we got there, the fever was gone. She was still her happy self. So, we did labs and sat and waited to see if we would have to stay. We hung out for a while so the we made the best of it. The girls had a blast running around. We finally were able to get in touch with the on call doctor, and her labs were good, so we went back home. Drew was frustrated, but when her temp went back up to 103, I was glad we had went. I would have been stressing out all weekend. I still stressed out, but I was glad that her doctors at least knew what was going on. I really think she had either a respiratory or urinary tract infection. I just bumped up her antibiotic for the next week, and the fever is now gone. Praise Jesus! Needless to say, it wasn't the relaxing day we were hoping for.

Amelia loves to look at this. I don't have a picture of the top, but there is a really big bird that goes round and round. She loves to watch it. She was trying to jump and touch it. So cute!
They were playing chase in the lobby.
There was also a lot of peak a boo. The echo here is great so the girls kept screaming to hear themselves. As you can see, it wasn't very busy, so I just let them have fun. I'm sure the security guard was glad to see us be on our way though!
Saturday, we met the rest of my family at Hueys for lunch, we then went back to my sister's house for pool time. It was another quick trip, but it will be the last of the trips, so it was exciting! I can't believe that in one more week we will be there for good! Our little scare with Anna Claire made me even more grateful that we are going to be there soon.
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