Friday, April 5, 2013

7 months and my little green thumb

Anna Claire turned 7 months old today.  It seems that she is getting so much further from being a newborn and so much closer to being a toddler.  I call her my little helicopter.  She is trying to crawl, but can't quite get just right yet, so she just spins around on her belly.  She is such a fun, sweet little girl.  When she wakes up and I go to get her, she kicks her little legs like she is just too excited for me to be there.  She does the same thing when she is having a little tantrum, but it isn't so cute then.  She and Amelia are still just night and day from each other, but they seem to really love each other.  Anna Claire doesn't put much in her mouth at all, Amelia still puts any and everything in her mouth. 
This morning, Amelia and I went to pick out some flowers, and she "helped" me plant them.  Her thumb isn't completely green yet, but she sure did look cute trying to plant the flowers!

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