This past weekend was spent celebrating my birthday, and Anna Claire's new found independence. Thursday, my coworkers took me to lunch for my birthday. Friday night we had someone ask us if they could keep the girls so that we could have a date night. We weren't going to say no! So, we had a few friends meet us for dinner at Vince's. The food was yummy, but having adult time was even better! Plus we got to stay for few minutes and hear the "band." We were very excited to get back to Robert and Kari's house and find that there was no screaming. There had been some earlier that night, but none when we got there. That was a huge accomplishment for Anna Claire, not only was it way past her bedtime, but the last time she stayed there she screamed the entire time, and mommy messed and sent green beans for supper and she actually ate them! Big night!
Saturday was my actual birthday. We didn't have any plans because the weather was suppose to be terrible. But, it actually turned out to be a beautiful day. So, we took advantage by going on a walk around the neighborhood, playing outside, going out for lunch and getting ice cream that night. We then drove down to the levee to see if we were going to get flooded. It was a nice relaxing day.
My beautiful birthday present from my sweet husband!
Anna Claire's new favorite thing is pulling up on whatever she can. She never chews on anything. Not even when I try to get her to chew on something. But, as soon as she gets to the coffee table, she goes to town. Go figure! Good thing no teeth yet, but I know that will be soon!
She loves pushing on Amelia's chair. She was just about to do a push up from the chair sliding away from her.
She is so funny! She completely forgot that she couldn't walk yet, and she was pulling up on the couch and turned around to look at me and just did a face dive into the floor. She didn't really cry, just got up and pulled up again.
Life really does just keep getting better and better!