Monday, April 29, 2013

celebrations, big and small

This past weekend was spent celebrating my birthday, and Anna Claire's new found independence.  Thursday, my coworkers took me to lunch for my birthday.  Friday night we had someone ask us if they could keep the girls so that we could have a date night.  We weren't going to say no!  So, we had a few friends meet us for dinner at Vince's.  The food was yummy, but having adult time was even better!  Plus we got to stay for few minutes and hear the "band."  We were very excited to get back to Robert and Kari's house and find that there was no screaming.  There had been some earlier that night, but none when we got there.  That was a huge accomplishment for Anna Claire, not only was it way past her bedtime, but the last time she stayed there she screamed the entire time, and mommy messed and sent green beans for supper and she actually ate them!  Big night! 

Saturday was my actual birthday.  We didn't have any plans because the weather was suppose to be terrible.  But, it actually turned out to be a beautiful day.  So, we took advantage by going on a walk around the neighborhood, playing outside, going out for lunch and getting ice cream that night.  We then drove down to the levee to see if we were going to get flooded.  It was a nice relaxing day. 
My beautiful birthday present from my sweet husband!
Anna Claire's new favorite thing is pulling up on whatever she can.  She never chews on anything.  Not even when I try to get her to chew on something.  But, as soon as she gets to the coffee table, she goes to town. Go figure!  Good thing no teeth yet, but I know that will be soon!

She loves pushing on Amelia's chair.  She was just about to do a push up from the chair sliding away from her.
 She is so funny!  She completely forgot that she couldn't walk yet, and she was pulling up on the couch and turned around to look at me and just did a face dive into the floor.  She didn't really cry, just got up and pulled up again.

Life really does just keep getting better and better!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Moving, Moving, Moving

The Ellis family is moving in more ways than one these days!  We officially have a crawler on our hands!  Anna Claire is just growing up over night!  2 weeks ago I lowered her bed thankfully because she started sitting up independently that same night.  She recently started trying to pull up on everything, but since she wasn't crawling I wasn't too worried.  Well, yesterday, I went to get her after her nap, and she was standing at the edge of the crib full head and shoulders above the edge.  I couldn't believe it.  Then that afternoon, she stood straight up, not holding on to anything!  Today, she officially started crawling, and her crib was lowered to the lowest level.  I can't believe it! 

We had such a fun day yesterday!  We played all day, and both girls were happy most of the time.  At lunch, Amelia was telling us all of her tall tales, and being quite funny.  If only we could tell what was so interesting!  But, Anna Claire was quite impressed with the story.  She couldn't stop laughing.  I'm not sure if she was really laughing at Amelia's story, or just enjoying hearing herself laugh.  It is so sweet to watch them together.  Drew video taped the interaction for me, but I have to get him to send it to me so that I can post it.  That will come later.  He is working on getting the house ready to sell right now.  We officially go on the market next week!!!!  Yay!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Beautiful Springtime

Last weekend when we got back to Memphis, I decided to take advantage of the beautiful azaleas while they still lasted.  Plus, I had Anna Claire in her pretty picture outfit. 

She is pulling up on everything these days!  Such a sweet girl!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Finding her independence

Amelia has always been surrounded by boys.   Each daycare she has been outnumbered by the boys.  She doesn't seem to mind one bit.  Today, Drew dropped her off at daycare, and she just took off and grabbed her friend Aiden's hand and they just walked away holding hands.  Drew was left standing there heartbroken.  She didn't even tell him bye.  I guess it is a little taste of what is to come many years from now.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

New Things on the Horizon

This past weekend, the family headed back to Memphis.  We originally planned to go because Drew was going to interview for a position with the University of Tennessee.  But, when his boss found out that he was looking to move, he decided to do what he had to keep him with Dow.  So, he was offered a new position with Dow that will move us back to Memphis!!!  We are so excited about this.  So, since we had already planned the trip, and my family was planning a birthday celebration, we decided to head on up and look around at houses.  We got there late Friday night, and met our friend Brandy for a photo session with the girls.  AC was in a good mood, but she is about to get a tooth, so she was chewing on her bottom lip the entire time.  I could not get a smile out of her.  Her photos are really cute though.  She is changing so much and so fast.  She is VERY clingy right now, and will not let me out of her sight.  I'm hoping that changes once her tooth comes in.  She is trying to crawl.  I'm not sure she ever will though.  She really just wants to walk.  She is so trying to stand up that she gives up on crawling, but she can get around in her own way.  It's pretty funny to watch her.  But, it is like over night she started sitting up on her own and just moving around.  Luckily it happened the night after I lowered her bed down.  I would say that is pretty good timing.

Saturday, we drove around and looked at houses.  It was very overwhelming.  I felt more lost and confused.  Life would be so much easier if we were independently wealthy.  That afternoon we headed back to my parents for my birthday celebration.  I decided I wanted to have a fish fry.  My family wasn't too excited, but I think everyone had a good time.  My dad decided that he is now a bee charmer.  Last year he got a bee hive but they got eaten by worms.  He and my mom went Saturday to get another beehive.  5 hours of bouncing in the back of a truck made for some really angry bees.  So, I was so worried about the bees that I forgot to take pictures of Amelia's for fishing trip.  The grandkids (minus AC) all went fishing.  They would catch a fish as soon as their hook hit the water.  They had a lot of fun.  We had a lot of fun playing around at my parents.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Big red truck

Yesterday we went on a ride on our little red wagon, today Amelia went on a ride on a big red truck.  One of Amelia's friends at church had a birthday party at the fire museum today.  It was a little rough at first.  We had to wake her from her nap to get to it on time, so she was a bit grumpy at first.  But, cupcakes and cheese puffs make everything better. 

It was a really fun birthday party.  The kids got ride on an old time fire truck around downtown then climb around in the real fire truck.  We all had a good time. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Little red wagon

Today was such a beautiful day, so we spent all day outside.  This afternoon we went for a walk.  It was Anna Claire's first time to ride in the wagon.  She did very well.  I was surprised!

Getting ready to go for our walk

My sweet girls holding hands as we went around the neighborhood.
I am starting to realize that my baby is quickly getting further and further from being a newborn to actually being a toddler.  It breaks my heart just a little!  But, I do look forward to each new phase.

Friday, April 5, 2013

7 months and my little green thumb

Anna Claire turned 7 months old today.  It seems that she is getting so much further from being a newborn and so much closer to being a toddler.  I call her my little helicopter.  She is trying to crawl, but can't quite get just right yet, so she just spins around on her belly.  She is such a fun, sweet little girl.  When she wakes up and I go to get her, she kicks her little legs like she is just too excited for me to be there.  She does the same thing when she is having a little tantrum, but it isn't so cute then.  She and Amelia are still just night and day from each other, but they seem to really love each other.  Anna Claire doesn't put much in her mouth at all, Amelia still puts any and everything in her mouth. 
This morning, Amelia and I went to pick out some flowers, and she "helped" me plant them.  Her thumb isn't completely green yet, but she sure did look cute trying to plant the flowers!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Swinging, worms, and Jeeps

Today was so beautiful, and we took full advantage.  We spent all day outside.  (Greenville considers the day after Easter to be a holiday too, so no school or daycare meant mommy had to take the day off).  This morning, during Anna Claire's nap, Amelia went out to play with her new bubble blower.  She decided she wanted to play basketball.  Well, the ball rolled under my car.  She went and got it.  I watched, but as soon as I looked away, she started screaming like she was dying.  I thought she had somehow slid on the rocks and tore up her hands.  I went running over there, and she is screaming worm got me.  She had touched a snail.  Having just experienced this a week ago myself, they do feel nasty.  But, it was hilarious.  But, now between the ants and the "worms" I don't know if I am going to be able to get her outside much longer! 

When daddy finished working, he met us outside, and hung the swing back up.  It was taken out by the fallen tree last October.  Amelia was so excited, and Anna Claire got her first ride.  They both loved it.  Amelia didn't love having to take turns, but it was a good learning experience for her.

Daddy pushed her a little higher than I would have liked,, but she had a blast!

After dinner, we went back outside.  We tried to get Amelia to ride her Jeep, but she wouldn't.  But, we know how to manipulate her, and that is Anna Claire.  She can't stand for Anna Claire to do something and for her to get left out.  So, a few rounds with Anna Claire riding the Jeep and Amelia was ready to hop in.  It took a little bit, but she finally was ready to get back in the drivers seat.  She can't steer a bit, and she is usually looking everywhere but where she is going, but she is now in love with her Jeep.  Score 1 for mommy and daddy.  Hopefully, her driving skills when improve over the next 14 years!