Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sharing and confessing

One of Amelia's favorite toys is her picnic basket.  One day we will have a real picnic, but that day will come when the temperature drops back in the 60's and 70's at noon.  Until then, we will continue to enjoy our daily pretend picnics.  But, I do have a really pathetic confession.  I always let Amelia set up the picnic.  She always gives me the same thing, and she always gets the same thing.  She always gives me the slice of pie.  This makes me so happy!  The other dessert is a boring looking cookie, and I love pie!  How pathetic is that!  It is fake food, but everytime I am thinking to myself please give me the slice of pie.   We usually end up "eating" each other's food anyway, so it really doesn't matter, and again it's fake!  Maybe this pregnant momma just needs to break down and make a yummy pie so she'll quit wanting the fake one so bad!

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